
Friday, April 15, 2016

#Grimm episode 5.17 - "Inugami"


04/15/2016 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Friday) : AN ANCIENT CODE OF VENGENCE PUTS THE LIVE OF LOCAL YOUTHS IN DANGER - KEIKO AGENA AND CARY-HIROYUKI TAGAWA GUEST STAR - When the severed head of a young man is found under a bridge, Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) find themselves on the case of Japanese Wesen acting on an ancient tradition of revenge. Elsewhere, Adalind (Claire Coffee) decides to go back to work at her old law firm and has her first face-to-face with Eve (Bitsie Tulloch). Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee and Bree Turner also star. TV-14 L, V

Episode 17:

A samurai?

Nick stops the car. It's raining. The door swings open. Then Eve gets in. He says we're not going to kill anyone, are we? I want to know that upfront. She says Renard is involved with Black Claw. Rachel told me. I slept with her. As Sean Renard. Black Claw wants to take over the government. She asks if he's noticed changes in Adalind. If she becomes a hexenbiest again, she won't be who you know now. He says been there done that. She says then you should be prepared. She leaves.

Couple leaving the house. Roger calls Mrs. Johnson. Is Brian there? He's not picking up. She calls down to the basement. He says he's not there. She says sorry, Roger, I guess he's not in the mood. She tells Brian you could at least call your best friend back. It'd be good for you to talk to Roger. He agrees, as soon as she leaves. Okay. She does. He restarts the game. Parents leave. Someone outside the window.

Roger knocks. Brian, I know you're in there! Brian doesn't want to talk. Doesn't let him in. Finds an origami figure. And then is attacked by a hooded Wesen.

He's buried in the dirt by the river up to his neck. The man draws his sword, and swings.

Nick at Monroe and Rosalee's. Tells them what Eve told him. Eve slept with Rachel? As the Captain. She had no choice. Rosalee wonders what that was like. He says Eve warned me about Adalind. Asks when that will happen? Rosalee says she was supposed to tell you. I told you she had to tell you. While you were in Germany. Tony came and got angry and Adalind came in and Tony went after her and it happened. She broke every finger on his hand. She didn't want it to happen, but it did. She was scared over what you'd do. She's afraid. Monroe says let her keep her secret for now. But be careful, dude.

Renard and Rachel in bed. She says that more than makes up for last time. Time for you to settle down. When are you going to pop the question? He says I don't have a family, happy or otherwise. She says don't worry, you will.

Nick hides the cloth in the tunnel below the factory.

Adalind wakes and asks if he's okay. He says just getting water. Sorry, didn't want to wake you. She says that's okay. I forgot to tell you. I have an interview at my old law firm tomorrow. Are you okay with that? He says yeah. She says I think it's time. Goes back to sleep. But he can't.

Wu having a nightmare. Wakes. Gets out of bed and falls. Mist under the door. Howling. Woods outside the door. He walks out there and runs in the woods.

Daylight. Wu wakes. Looks at the door. Opens it. Just the bathroom. Leaves on the rug.

Nick draws a map of the tunnel for Monroe and Rosalee. Nothing on city plans. Monroe asks about Adalind. Nick says she knows there's a tunnel, but that's it. Monroe says find out where it goes. Nick says she'll be gone all day at an interview. They'll go look.

Hank asks Nick if he got enough sleep. Nick says Adalind is a Hexenbiest again. And that's not all. Eve told me the Captain is knowingly working with Black Claw. Hank asks how do we handle this? Nick says like we don't know. They get a call.

Wu tells them a dog found a head. Searching for the rest of the body. Somebody brought him here. No surveillance in the area.

Adalind's interview. Harrison says she was always a favorite around here. This must be Kelly. She says she can start when you're ready. he's Wesen. Asks if she's still a Hexenbiest. She wogues. Same as ever. Kelly looks unsure about what he sees.

Precinct. Nick says the head was severed with a surgically sharp blade. Wu says there's one missing person. 17 year old kid. Nick and Hank talk to the parents. They take them to the basement. Brian was on the couch. He didn't want to talk. Brian and Roger were guilty of negligent homicide. Their friend was shot and died. We put Brian in therapy, but he won't talk. They ask what happened to their son. Nick says we believe he was murdered. Hank asks if there was a break-in or struggle. Just his cellphone over there. Nick finds the origami figure. Father says Kuma's father did this. He threatened the boys in the courtroom. hank gets a call.

Found a body without a head.

Monroe and Rosalee enter the tunnel. He hopes there aren't any rats. LOL. Find the door. Looks like a water tight door. She says maybe you shouldn't open it. He says Nick already did. Monroe turns the wheel. maybe hold your breath just in case. He opens the door. There's a pungent odor. They hear squeaking. Monroe climbs down first.

Wu meets Nick and Hank. Wu has a headache. Body is still buried in the sand.

Somebody went through a lot of trouble. Terry calls. Dennis is on the way to the man's house.

Dennis knocks. Looks for the man. You killed my son!

Nick and Hank arrive. Dennis is out. Husband says he came at me. Dennis says something attacked me. I don't know what it was. Hank gets him outside. Nick asks where were you last night? They won't answer questions without their lawyer.

Dennis saw a white animal with blue eyes. My son just died. I'm not thinking straight. I know I shouldn't have gone there. I want my son back. Wu knocks. The other man is there with his attorney. Nick says we're going to hold you until we find out if he wants to press charges.

Cary Tagawa playing the lawyer. They're willing to cooperate and will not add to Dennis' suffering. But will take action if he comes at them again. He says they were at a fundraiser the night of the murder. Kuma went to Roger's home. Roger had the gun. Kuma was shot and killed. Father says I didn't kill anyone. Losing our son destroyed our lives. You don't feel the same. Nick asks if anyone was in the home besides you and your wife. He says no. They leave. Hank says he's not our guy, but he's connected somehow. Nick says let's talk to the other kid.

Monroe and Rosalee reach the bottom. This is part o the old Shanghai Tunnels. She asks how far will we go? They find a skeleton. She says this is far enough.

Roger and his mother. Brian's dead? She asks if her son is in danger. Nick asks what happened to Kuma that night. She asks if they need a lawyer. Nick says Roger is not a suspect. Roger says we were drinking and smoking weed. Kuma came over. Showed us his dad's sword.

The boys thought it was cool. I showed them an old gun.

The mom says it was under my bed.

Roger's great-grandfather had the gun originally.

The bullet hit Kuma and he died. Hank and Nick say 2 shots were fired. Roger says Brian grabbed the gun, and Kuma wogued. Then Kuma ended up shot in the gut. He fell. Roger swears Kuma turned into an animal. He only told his mother. She says it was the drugs. He says no. Brian saw it, too.

Hank says you have to go Grimm on him. Nick wonders why bury the body like that? Hank says maybe it's a ritual.

They visit the family again. We want to talk off the record. Roger saw Kuma wogue. You're Wesen, I'm a Grimm, and we have a lot to talk about. They wogue. Hank and Nick charge in. We want to know about the swords. Nick tells them what happened to Brian. They says inugami. Ghost dog samurai. They kill with a specific ritual as a guardian. They say to get an inugami you have to save its life. She says my father saved Takeshi. He was my father's best friend. Nick says he's trying to get you the justice he couldn't get you in court. They're not sure if Takeshi would do this. But if he's Inugami, he'd feel this is his duty. He wants to go. If I tell him to stop, he should stop. Hank says if he doesn't, he'll be shot.

Monroe and Rosalee about to climb out. Adalind returns. They hide and wait.

Roger and his mom attacked. Roger is dead. Inugami dragging him away. Left the origami figure.

They get to Roger's. No officer. They hurry inside. Officer knocked out. Mom still breathing. Nick says call Takeshi. Not answering. Hank calls in for medics.

Takeshi needs a bridge. Wu says Sandy River Bridge.

Rosalee has to pee. LOL. Noises above. Monroe climbs up to see if Adalind is leaving. Nope. Eve enters the place. Adalind asks if she's here to kill her. Eve says no. Monroe tells Rosalee that it's Eve.

Eve wants to talk. You will be approached by Black Claw. Hexenbiests are valuable. If you hurt Nick, I will come for you. I like the new place. She gets in the elevator and leaves.

They arrive. Hurry down to the river. Split up.

Takeshi ready to kill Roger. The man pleads, don't do this. Takeshi says he's bound my honor. Man wogues and releases him. Takeshi wogues and swings. Man dives in. Takeshi can't harm him or his family. But you will not stop me! Nick tackles Takeshi. They fight. Hank steps on the sword. You have the right to remain silent. Roger says I didn't kill Kuma. I swear. It was an accident. Father digging him out. I know. Nick gets a text.

Sean comes home. Rachel inside. She has a surprise. Diana. She's grown a lot. She runs to him. He hugs her. Such a big girl now.

Next ep - Body with missing bones. And Wu in danger.

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