
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

#Supernatural episode 11.21 - "All in the Family"

All in the Family

Episode 21:

Dean holds the glowing amulet. What the hell's going on here exactly? Chuck wants to go somewhere to talk. He transports them. Kevin! You look stressed. It's cool. Trust Chuck. Whatever he needs you to do, you can handle it. Sam asks are you okay? Kevin says yeah, given the circumstances. Chuck upgrades Kevin. He turns into light and floats away. Dean says holy crap. LOL

Sam is wowed. Chuck prefers Chuck. Okay. Sam says we need a moment to process. We didn't know....he's babbling. I prayed and....Dean says Babbling. Okay. Chuck looks to Dean. Dean says I mean no disrespect, um, helping with the Darkness is great, but, um, you've been gone a long, long time. Thousands of years on Earth. Plagues and wars and slaughters. Were you aware or did you tune it out? Dean says you did nothing. I don't want to turn into a pillar of salt. People pray to you. Build churches. Fight wars for you. And you did nothing. Chuck gets the frustration. I was hands on for ages. I was so sure these beautiful creatures I created would grow up. But I saw I needed to step away and let my baby grow up. It's enabling. Dean says it didn't get better. Chuck says I think it has. Dean says it feels like you left us and you're trying to justify it. Chuck says don't confuse me with your dad.

Lucifer screaming. Burnt. Amara says beg Him to save you. Lucifer laughs. He made everything, but that's something you could never do because you wanted nothing. You may defeat Him but you'll never beat him.

Chuck says she never stops. She made me do what she wanted. She's warded herself specifically against me. Dean says we have zip and we've been at it for months. Chuck says I've always had faith in you, even if you didn't return the favor. He asks for the guest room. Needs a shower. Dean says she has Lucifer. Chuck knows. Sam says we heard Lucifer was involved last time. Chuck says no. I couldn't trust him for a moment. As bad as he was, he's probably worse. Not walking into that trap, guys. So no! Thus spake the Lord.

Amara says something changed. Lucifer says maybe Dad picked up on your latest slaughterfest. He tells her to stop whining. She says I don't need this. Knocks him out.

Dean staring at the laptop. Amara, where are you? She says I've missed you, Dean. I'm aware my brother has surfaced. If he reaches out to you, you should know Lucifer isn't doing so well. My brother is allowing this to happen. These and other things. I thought you should know. She disappears.

Keith Szarabajka! Donatello Redfield. Fog in a town. More screaming on the streets.

Sam on the laptop. Dean brings coffee. Sam wishes Rowena was here. Dean says she and the book will stay stashed until the whole thing is over. Where is Chuck? Sam says sleeping in? Dean told God to cool it 3 times. LOL. Sam wants to ask Chuck lots of questions. Aww. Dean says we need to find Lucifer before it's too late. She's in my head. Showed me Cas. Chuck enters. With Dean's robe? Chuck says there's too much drama with Lucifer. Any bacon? Sam says the Amara fog hit another town. Everybody died by one man. Chuck says she's baiting me. So find her.

Metatron in a bar. Sees the news on the toxic fog. Pauses the TV and sees Dean and Sam and Chuck in a photo.

Phone rings. Scribe calling. Dean says what? Metatron says you've been in touch with Chuck. I have info. It's gotta be in person. Something I have to show you.

Dean and Sam meet with Redfield. Call me Donatello. Dean say the ninja turtle? LOL. Redfield says they think I'm a terrorist. I teach chemistry. I have - had - a cat! Tells them about the fog night. Terrible black streaks. That's when it happened. Like my head was exploding with knowledge. Symbols and voices in languages i don't speak. Then horrible, horrible visions. Of destruction and death. Sam asks for a moment.

They think this sounds familiar. A prophet? Dean says Amara's god power? I need a coffee. Sam sits with Redfield. He asks Sam if I'm under arrest. Sam shows him the angel language. Redfield can read it. Amara asks Dean to meet. Somewhere alone. She disappears again.

Redfield is overwhelmed with all this info. Dean and Sam telling him about Amara. He's freaking out. I can't do this! It's like asking me to believe in Santa Claus! Dean says just act like it. People do it all the time. Redfield is sensing something.

Chuck eating Chinese food and watching curling. Dean says we found someone. The next prophet. Chuck looked on Dean's computer. Never seen so much porn, not in one sitting. Dean closes the laptop and says Redfield is a bit freaked out. Sam brings him in. Chuck's in his boxers. Addresses Donatello. Sorry about your cat. Don says it's you. Good to meet you, sir. LOL. Sam says he goes by Chuck. Don says I was an atheist until about 10 minutes ago. Chuck isn't offended. Free will in the kit. Welcome aboard. Ha!

Meeting with Metatron. He orders top shelf tequila. Sam says don't pull any crap. Dean asks what's so urgent? Metatron says you've been in touch with you know who. Sam says he's agreed to take on Amara. metatron says he won't take her down. He's gonna sacrifice himself. Let her do what she wants with Him. Here, buy this. The manuscript. It's in His own words. Suicide note.

Chuck watching kids play. Dean joins him to talk. Chuck likes watching kids be kids. Dean asks why are you bailing? You're throwing in the towel? Chuck asks why do you care? Dean says before you went MIA, you did a lot. Chuck says it's strategy. I know her. Her beef is with me. Dean doesn't understand how dying is a blueprint for success. Chuck says I'll be caged. Trading myself for everything I created. Dean says Amara is very pissed off. Chuck says as long as she accepts the deal. Dean says she'll kill you and eliminate everything, she's told me personally. you owe us. Chuck says humans will step up. Find a way. It's why I saved you years ago. You're the fireball between light and darkness. Dean says no, this? Way above my pay grade. It's YOU who has to take her out. After that? I don't care!

Dean brings Don a beer. Dean says I don't know if Chuck is leaning our way. If we get Lucifer, maybe he'll play ball. Don misses being an atheist. Sam brings in Metatron. Dean says you have 3 minutes. Metatron shakes Donatello's hand. Dean says what do you have to offer? metatron lists his strengths. Sam says he kinda has a point. Metatron says you need all the help you can get. Dean says why do you care now? Metatron says He believed in me, and if I can save him and his creation, seems like I should. Dean says the plan is to rescue Lucifer from Amara. Then we convince Chuck to use Lucifer to fight her. Metatron isn't impressed. Don says he's been getting a vibe. Metatron asks how we keep Amara busy?

Dean in the woods. Tall trees. Amara appears. Thanks him for reaching out. She missed him. And the sensations you arouse. You feel the same way, so what do we do? He says there can be no us. We should walk away. She says why don't you?

Sam and Metatron in the Impala. With Don. Old silo. Find Cas/Lucifer. Oh goodie. Larry, Curly, Mo. Recognizes the prophet. Metatron cutting Lucifer loose. Sam says we're busting you out of here. Lucifer says seems fair. Sam says you're going to help us take her down. If you say no.... Lucifer says do I look like a fan?!

Amara says at least consider my offer. Dean says the world is flawed, but I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet. She says it's inevitable. Give up your humanity and become boundless within me.

Sam and Lucifer making the deal. Metatron chanting?

Dean says I'm drawn to you and I can't control it. She says then why fight it? I'm the end of your struggle. Something keeps you from having it all. She caresses his face.

Metatron releases Lucifer.

Amara says something's different.

Sam says zap us out of here! Lucifer can't.

Amara says you've spoken with God. Seen him. You betrayed me.

Don says she's coming! Sam grabs Lucifer. Metatron says you go. I'm serious. I got this. They run. Into the car. Metatron cuts his hand. Writes with his blood.

Impala speeds away.

Amara appears to metatron. He hits the sidgil. She's still there unharmed. You were kidding with that, weren't you? He says spare the universe. She says spare this, and attacks him.

Sam driving fast. Amara in front of the car. he hits the brakes and can't reverse. She holds the car still. You aren't worth sparing. None of you.

The car lands! What happened! Sam gets out. In the garage? Don asks where are we? Sam says home. Chuck says occasionally I do answer a prayer. He and Lucifer face to face. You've changed. You've changed. Chuck says I'm the same. Lucifer is healed.

Don still nervous. Dean says you need a spa day, or pair of hookers. Heh. Don needs to sort out what to do next. Thank you, I guess. And if there is a tomorrow, I'll probably see you again. he gets in the taxi. Sam says we may need you. Dean is surprised Metatron sacrificed himself. Sam asks about meeting Amara. Dean says she wants me to be literally a part of her forever.

Next week - God vs Darkness. That got weird. LOL. Crowley recruited.

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