
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

#Arrow 5.17 live blog - “Kapiushon”


THE BREAKING POINT — Prometheus (Josh Segarra) goes to great lengths to break Oliver (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) becomes worried about Oliver’s increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#517). Original airdate 3/22/2017.

Episode 17:

Oliver getting water torture. 145 seconds. Adrian says your arrow pierced is aortic artery, but it didn't kill him. He suffered for 145 seconds. Ever think why I chose Prometheus? He challenged the gods, took away their power. The only way to stop this is to confess. Tell me your secret, Oliver. The one thing you're afraid to admit to yourself. Oliver yells that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Adrian puts him in the water again.

Russia. Gregor will tell what you meant. Oliver tortures him. Anatoly isn't pleased. This has to do with your deal with Kovar, yes? Gregor says if you knew what was coming, you'd make Kovar spare you. And you, are not a hero. Everything and everyone you love with wither and die at your touch. He dies. Oliver asks what do we do about Kovar? Bratva says they need to choose a new leader. Determined by seniority.

Gregor's funeral. Oliver's included. You're one of us. Our Pakhan is dead. to our new Pakhan we pledge our loyalty. Andatoly says he pledges loyalty to the brotherhood. His hand is pierced. Then the knife given to Oliver. Cuts his hand. To our new Pakhan. Clasps hands with Anatoly.

They leave the ceremony. Gregor quoted the Russian revolution. Anatoly will meet with Kovar. Oliver wants to talk to Golena. Maybe she heard something.

The market. Try the green ones, they're fresher. She's baking a pie. Oliver says he was friends with Taiana. Then Kovar's man gets involved. Oliver has to kill him. He tells her you can not say you saw me! You name me, he'll hurt you.

Malcolm with Kovar!! Anatoly arrives. Kovar promises Malcolm with get the info he wants. Malcolm meets Anatoly before leaving. Kovar and Anatoly talk about the man with the bow and arrow. Anatoly questioned Gregor, but I'm obligated to commitments he made. Kovar says Russia didn't become stronger after communism. But it can be so again.

Anatoly returns to the bar. Oliver asks what will Kovar do? Anatoly tells him it might be best to go back to America. Oliver says we're brothers. Anatoly says Kovar will overthrow the Russian government. He met with some American businessman. Maybe for a weapon. Anatoly says I saw the face of the monster in you. This place is not good for you. Go home. Oliver says he's here for Anatoly to see this through.

Oliver lies in the cell. Adrian says do you even remember their faces? These are your victims. Oliver says they were people that did terrible things. They had victims. Adrian says they also had wives, daughters, sons.... Oliver calls him a hypocrite. There's nothing I've done that compares to you. Adrian shows him The Count photo. Confess or you get the same 3 arrows. Oliver tells him to go to Hell. Adrian shoots.

Russia. The Hood at the shipyard. Anatoly and Bratva arrive. See how easy it is to think first and kill people later? They find canisters. What is that? Sarin gas, enough to kill thousands.

Adrian pulls the arrows out. Oliver asks what's next? Adrian says you said your friends are your strength now. Oliver threatens him. Adrian says until you confess, everyone is at play, even your son. Oliver says I don't even know where he is. Adrian says because you haven't looked. It's only a matter of time for me. Oliver doesn't know what he wants. Adrian, Adrian, please! Adrian says all you have to do is say the words. That's what I thought. See you soon.

Incoming in Russia. Kovar's people. Kovar orders push them back. Shoots one of the canisters. The Hood takes out men. Kovar finds Anatoly. Kovar gets in the truck and starts driving. He has the sarin gas. Anatoly says then we are all going to be dead men.

Oliver returns. Anatoly is recovering. Viktor asks where were you? Oliver was keeping overwatch like ordered. He's mad at Oliver for going against Kovar. Oliver wants to interrogate Kovar's man. We need to know where the gas will be used.

The Hood has the man blindfolded. Tied to a table. He learned the skinning technique from Mongolia. Remove the full skin in less than 5 minutes, which means you don't have long to tell me what your boss is planning.

Anatoly finds Oliver. This is not human. Oliver says this helps me direct the darkness inside me. Anatoly says but at what cost? The monster will get stronger until it is stronger than you. Oliver says you knew what I was capable of on Lian Yu. Anatoly says this man before me now is more like Slade Wilson. Kovar's man resisted a long time. Oliver says the man gave up quickly. The rest was me practicing. To become something else.

Russia. Oliver tells Anatoly and Viktor Kovar's plan. We need to get in that casino and stop the attack before it happens. Oliver says we sneak in. I know someone. Viktor says and if second chance doesn't work?

Oliver grabs Taiana's mother. Do you know what happened to them? He says I'm sorry....they're dead. She says Mr. Kovar says they're looking for them. Oliver says Taiana made me swear to bring him to justice. The same hammer that shatters glass, forges steel. She helped me grow strong, too. Please, please help me keep my promise to her. She gives him a key. Tell me, who killed my children? Oliver says a monster.

Oliver in the cell. Evelyn brought in. What did you do to her? Adrian made her more compliant. Hits Oliver. Get up. Drops a knife in front on the floor. Oliver won't fight her. Adrian says either she kills you and I let her go, or you kill her and I let you go. Thought this might remind you what your secret is. Good luck. She says I'm sorry, Oliver. I can't take another day here. She picks up the knife.

Russia. Casino. Kovar walks in in a tux.
The Hood subdues a guard.
Kovar talking to women. He's told there's a situation.
Security room is invaded by The Hood. Oliver looks at the video and gives Anatoly the location. Meet you at the target. He sees the woman on video.

Kovar asks who did you give it to?

Viktor says there's a shortcut. He sold them out. Hits Anatoly.

Oliver finds Taiana's mother dead. He closes her eyes.

The cell. Oliver tells her to bring the knife over here. Get me out of these things. When he comes back, we'll ambush him. She says we can't beat him. Oliver forgives her. Together we can get through this. She says I'd dead. I'm dead because I was a part of your life. He keeps appealing to her. She charges and he takes it away. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Adrian returns and is unhappy. You've killed people for less! Oliver says just let her go. You've made your point. I don't know what you want from me! Adrian wants to know what Oliver's been to afraid to admit to his friends and family. Oliver says I don't know, I don't. Adrian says wrong answer and kills Evelyn. Oliver falls to his knees.

Oliver says I'm going to kill you. Adrian says confess.

Russia. Oliver hears the call for help.

Kovar says there was an attempt to carry out an attack tonight. Don't worry. We have them all in custody. Sadly for them, it backfired on them. Killed every single one of them. That's what the newspapers will report in the morning. Good evening. Kovar leaves with a gas mask on.

Adrian says you killed my father because he was a name on a list, but that's not true, is it?

The Hood turns off the gas. Kovar says it's too late.

Adrian says all this has been an excuse. An excuse for what? You tell me, Oliver.

Oliver and Kovar fight.

Adrian says you think you can get free from those chains and snap my neck just like I did to Evelyn. Oliver stands up.

Kovar says when you see Taiana in the afterlife, give her a kiss from me.

Oliver breaks open the doors. Fights Kovar again. Kovar gets a knife. They cut each other. Anatoly says you don't have to, Oliver, he'll face justice, I promise. Oliver says yes, justice. Oliver kills Kovar with the knife.

You've told yourself you kill because you have to. Confess, Oliver. You don't have to kill, so why? Oliver finally yells I WANTED TO, AND I LIKED IT!

How's it feel? Knowing I saw the one thing you couldn't admit to yourself. Evelyn sits up. I knew he'd break. Just like you said he would. Adrian asks her to give them a moment and she leaves. Adrian says your crusade was built on a lie. You used your father's memory to justify a killing spree. Your mother paid it, Tommy paid it. Laurel. Do you think Felicty and Diggle's lives are better for it? Oliver says you promised to let me go. Adrian will. But wants to give him a gift. That tattoo that marks you're a captain in the Bratva. Now when you look at it, it'll remind you of us. Oliver apologizes. Adrian believe him but doesn't care, and burns the tattoo on Oliver's chest.

Oliver gets the tattoo. Anatoly says wherever you go, any Bratva will know what kind of man you are. Remember when we first met? Oliver does. Anatoly is surprised that the scared boy he met is the man that killed Kovar. Oliver says that wasn't me. It was him. The Hood. Anatoly says you killed because you liked it. One day, you won't like the man you see underneath.

Malcolm and Kovar's man. Kovar's life saved. Malcolm is glad he didn't meet the man that did this.

Oliver wakes in the cell. No chains. His bow at his feet. We see all those scars on his torso. He's woozy standing.

Arrow Cave. Oliver's been gone for 6 days. He wanders in. Chase had me. And let me go. Diggle says go slow, man. Oliver says it's over. Diggle says we'll get the SOB for what he did to you. Oliver says John, it's over for me. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm shutting everything down.

Stephen is a lot more bulky this season and less cut.

Next ep - I need you to kill Adrian Chase. Whoa, Oliver punches Diggle.

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