
Thursday, October 19, 2017

#Arrow 6.2 - "Tribute" live blog


ANATOLY RETURNS TO STAR CITY — Oliver (Stephen Amell) tries to balance being the mayor, the Green Arrow and a father to William (guest star Jack Moore). Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) returns to Star City with a deadly agenda. Laura Belsey directed the episode with story by Adam Schwartz and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Beth Schwartz (#602). Original airdate 10/19/2017.

 Episode 2:

Oliver enters City Hall. Press mob him. He tells them I am not the Green Arrow. And photos can be doctored. They could've put Bruce Wayne's head on that body. If I was running around doing both, I'd be a superhero, but i'm not. I'm just the major. He joins Quentin and Rene. Find that photo.

How about rebuilding SCPD? Rene wants to bail for Vegas. LOL. Oliver has a woman in his office. Special Agent Samada Watson. She's investigating him. Can you honestly say you're surprised? Oliver says I wasn't expecting the FBI. He says I was cleared 5 years ago. She says not by the FBI. Subpoenas go out by the end of the day. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other.

Arrow cave. Discussing how to save Oliver. If he's outed, we'll all be outed.

Rene says it came from nowhere. Inside the Channel 52 offices. 568 employees. They consider it is Chase leaving a parting gift. William went to school.

Curtis wonders where Oliver was standing when the photo was taken. Felicity says it was digital. They're freaking out. She needs a job. Curtis did freelance code in his spare time.

Oliver takes a delegation to a vacant warehouse. Markovia's industry will create a factory here and bring 800 jobs. Press keeps asking about the Green Arrow. Oliver says he will not answer questions on this. the CEO will double their investment if Oliver is a superhero. LOL. Shots fired! They run to the van. Quentin driving. Drive through the gunmen. Shooting outside, too. Come to a stop. Everyone okay? Anatoly!

You look like maybe you want to throw punch at me. Don't worry. Not here for you. Oliver says they're legitimate businessmen. Anatoly says so is mine. We'll be in touch. Dosvedanya.

Diggle and Dinah. John not okay with what's going on with Oliver. She says that's not what she was talking about. John says he's fine. Oliver gets them on finding Anatoly. John says we're on this, we'll take care of it.

Felicity asks what he's doing in his secret code job. He says it's not relevant. Curtis looking into Anatoly. He has to pay his goons somehow. Cryptocurrency.

Oliver and Quentin on phones. Markovians freaking out. Rene turns on the TV. Anonymous message. $20 million or the hostages killed in 12 hours. Exact number we got to rebuild the SCPD. Oliver gets a call. He has to go.

Picked up William. Who has a shiner. William doesn't want to talk. They said you're the Green Arrow and not here to help me. They were 8th graders. Oliver says go for the nose. What? If something like this happens again, go for the nose. Punch the biggest one as hard as you can. If he can't see, he can't fight, and all his buddies will back off. Phone call. Felicity. Found Anatoly. Oliver says text me, I'll be there soon. Stop the car. They'll make sure you get home. Please trust me.

Suited up. Green Arrow gives orders. They attack. Oliver lit a guy on fire in the kitchen. Diggle can't shoot again. Dinah sees it. Oliver releases the Markovians. CEO is not here. He was taken elsewhere.

Security camera footage from outside the restaurant. Curtis makes a suggestion. Oliver says hit whatever location you come up with. He has to go to an interview. Raisa texts that William needs you.

Quentin and Rene with the FBI officer. Rene asks her if she always knew she would be FBI? Oliver texts Quentin. He's home with the kid. We're sorry about keeping you waiting. She's skeptical about Samantha's death.

Oliver and William. You left me by myself! I didn't know if you were going to come back. Oliver says this is different. William says it's worse. There's a million psychos trying to kill you. I'll be alone. I'll have nobody. Oliver says I do understand. i lost my mom and my dad. I remember exactly how it feels. I swear to God I won't let that happen to you. William says it's not up to you. Work calls. Which work? Oliver shuts the door.

Anatoly. I need money and your city has 20 million dollars. I've been exiled. Now I show everyone. I am not weak and you and I are no longer friends. He shows him the CEO that's dying. I have cure for his problems. Do you have cure for mine?

Team working on the poison. Neurotoxin. Starling General should have a cure. Dinah goes with John.

Doc says I don't want to know what this is for, do I? She asks John how he's feeling? Keep taking those pain meds. Dinah tells him to come clean. John says it's not your business. She says I'm in the field with you. What does Oliver not know? John caught come shrapnel. Dr. Shwartz says I have degenerative nerve damage. He says I can manage this tremor. Soldiers push through. I'm asking you, please, trust me on this one. She says we should get going.

Felicity and Curtis. She wants a coding job. He got data analysis. What do we do with it?

Mayor's office. Rene there working. Why aren't you home with William? Sorry if I hit a nerve. Rene says the agent wants to talk to William. Oliver says absolutely not. He's been through enough. Rene heard what happened at school from Lance. Oliver says he thinks I'm going to make him an orphan. I told him I will always come back. I've never lied to my kid before. Rene says white lies are an important parental tool. I told Zoe she came from a cloud. Oliver says how do I reconcile that he's right? Every time I'm in the field, there's a chance I don't come back. And now he has to lie to an FBI agent so his dad doesn't go to prison.

They get to Anatoly's location. But Felicity can't pinpoint the hostage. Diggle says split up. They all have the antidote.

Curtis and Rene.
Dinah and Diggle. She has to save herself.
Green Arrow handling several guys.
Rene and Curtis okay.
Green Arrow's targets are down.
Green Arrow reaches Anatoly. Shoots an arrow in the CEO. Antidote. Step away from him, Anatoly. He's not part of this. I made him part of this, and I never got my money. Hostage is dead. Anatoly says you're naive. Still are. Oliver says we were friends. You used to be an honorable man! Anatoly says I AM an honorable man. I didn't not attack your son because I am still good man. What would happen to William if he ran afoul of someone not good. Oliver says don't. Move. Anatoly says we both know you will not kill me. Oliver asks why did you leak that picture of me? Anatoly says I did not. I am honorable man.

Oliver meets with the agent. He says I don't need a lawyer, I haven't done anything wrong. He's more than happy to open his life to her with the exception of my son. He's off limits. Someone knocks. Miss Watson, something on the news you need to see. News got evidence the photo was digitally doctored. She isn't deterred. He says you should do whatever it is you have to.

Felicity and Curtis happy with their work. Curtis says The photo was doctored. Who would do it? She doesn't want a buzz kill. Go into business with me. Think about all the good we could do, all the COOL STUFF WE COULD MAKE. Please don't say no. He says yes. She already filed the paperwork.

john wants to talk to Dinah. She needs him to say it. He says you nearly got killed last night because you couldn't rely on me. things got worse than I was willing to admit. She says okay, but what will you do about it? He says tell Oliver, and go from there.

William playing a video game. Oliver home early. Oliver apologizes. For making you a promise I wasn't 100% sure I could keep. You were right and I was wrong. William shuts the game off. Oliver says buddy, I hear you, but I meant what I said. I will do whatever's in my power forever to make sure you don't end up alone. You have a fair point. So I'm working on a way it can be. I promise I will do my best every single day to be the best father I can be and that I know how to be. That promise is 100%. William is happy to hear it. Want to play with me? Oliver asks what is this? Honestly, I don't know. Button mash and see what happens.

Arrow Cave. Diggle and Oliver. I'd like you to do something for me. Every time I'm out there, I'm a target. On my own, I can take it. I'm not on my own anymore. I cannot be responsible for my son losing the only parent he has left. Star City needs the Green Arrow. It just can't be me anymore. So I'd like it to be you. John shakes his hand.

Next ep - Meet the new boss. Is John in over his head?

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