
Thursday, October 18, 2018

#Supernatural 14.2 - "Gods and Monsters" live recap #SPN #SPNFamily

“God and Monsters”

RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. RETURNS TO DIRECT – Sam (Jared Padalecki) finds a clue to Dean’s (Jensen Ackles) whereabouts, so he, Mary (guest star Samantha Smith), and Bobby (guest star Jim Beaver) set out to investigate. Castiel imparts some sage advice on Jack (Alexander Calvert), who, still desperate to belong, seeks out a familial connection. Richard Speight, Jr. directed the episode written by Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming. (#1402). Original airdate 10/18/2018.

Episode 2:

Stormy night. People tied up in an...abandoned church? Yep. Michael bled a man. He pours a little grace in the cup. Then feeds it to the man. Lights up inside and screams. Michael says too much fat. How disappointing. He drags the body aside to a pile of other dead and burned out people. Alright, who's next?

Bobby asks who goes to Duluth in October? Heh. Cas walks in. Agrees that angels aren't known for truth. Mary asks Sam what's up? Pile of corpses with burned out eyes north of town. Sam wants to go NOW. Cas, you can't come with us. He presence would be sensed by Michael. He's babysitting Nick and Jack. Sam says it's not Nick's fault he was a mess. Jack walks in. Understands. Being around Nick is hard for me, too. Mary says you need to sit this mission out. Jack knows he needs to improve.

Nick having flashes of Lucifer's memories. Cas brings food. You must remember to eat. Nick thanks him. I'm not him, Castiel. I know. But you still can't look at me. Cas says it's difficult. Nick doesn't know why he would let Lucifer possess him. Cas says you were in a lot of pain and Lucifer exploited a vulnerability. Nick doesn't know what kind of pain would allow him to let Lucifer possess him. Cas says it was your family. Nick has memories of his wife and baby. And a lot of blood. Who could do that? Who could do that? Cas says a man broke into your house when you weren't there. Nick says it was a monster, then Lucifer found me and made me a monster, too.

The morgue. Bobby and Mary and Sam in suits. Injuries all the same. Bobby lists acronyms. LOL. Coroner gets a call. Bobby says my FBI might be a little rusty. LOL. They examine the bodies. Sam finds vamp fangs. Bobby and Mary do, too.

Sam asks if anyone came to claim the bodies? Yes, a young lady thought she might know a victim. She didn't, then left without giving a name. Sam asks if there are cameras outside.

Cas finds Jack researching Biblical lore. He wants to know how long archangel grace takes to replenish. A month....or a century. Cas says mourning what you've lost is wasteful. Focus on what you still have. At the time of the Great Fall, I lost everything. No grace, no wings. I felt useless. But I had Sam and Dean. And something else helpful. Myself. The basic me. As Dean would say, without all the bells and whistles. Sam and Dean weren't born with their expertise. They've been at it since they were children. Failing and winning.

Michael in a tux. Looks in a mirror to check his tie. Dean tells him to get. Out! Michael says I don't think so. Dean says you can't. Michael says I can and breaks the mirror. I own you. Hang on and enjoy the ride.

Cas on the phone with Sam about the vampires. Why would Michael be killing them? They're not a threat to him. Nick out of the cell. He can't find mention of his wife and son since they died. I would've been on those cops every day. Cas tries to comfort him and Nick snapped. Like Lucifer used to. Cas asks why did you do that? What was in your head just now? There may be some of his influence left in you. Cas reads him. There may be more damage on your psyche than we suspected. Nick is going to find out who killed his family Cas asks and then what? Nick leaves.

Sam at the girl's apartment. They break down the door. We know who you are. Should've ditched the car when you first got turned. She says she hasn't done anything wrong. We fed on animal blood. Led quiet lives until he came. He was strong. Tied all of us up and one by one, he'd take blood from us. I couldn't see what he did, then there'd be this explosion and my friends would be dead. The others tried to attack and I got away. They didn't make it. He didn't mean to kill, but things went wrong. It was like he was experimenting. Bobby asks what for? She says that's all I know. She says I know where he is. If you let me go.

Michael brings a woman back to the hotel room. Pours wine. She asks what's it like in his hometown. She thinks he's funny. She's flirting. Then fangs out and he picks her up by her throat. You think you picked me? I picked you. He tosses her across the room. Now. Summon your master.

Cas with a book. Nick on the phone with police in Delaware. They hung up on him. Do you know what a cold case is, Castiel? A case too cold for anyone to care about. Cas says that sounds difficult. Nick wonders how there is no evidence. Cas says you have a second chance. You're not dead. Nick says you don't understand. Cas says I do. I'm occupying someone else's body. This is Jimmy Novak. Nick says occupy sounds like steal. Cas says Jimmy was okay with it. Jimmy's dead. Nick says you're a stone cold body snatcher. No different than Lucifer. Cas is going to look in on Jack. Stops. In all my thousands of years, what happened to Jimmy Novak and his family is my greatest regret.

Michael serves the master a drink. 100 year old cognac. Vanilla, apricot, and zero undertones of silver. Michael reveals he's an archangel. Master is a leader of a werewolf pack. Why me? Michael says I'm new to town and the real monsters of this world are the humans. Who made them top dog? God. Michael says God who. God's on permanent vacation. I'm in charge. Werewolf asks what do you want from me? Michael says you are what you are. You kill to live. There's purity in that. Time to have your due. There are ways to enhance your abilities. I've cracked the code. Wolf says I'd love that world, but it's an absurd dream. Michael says is it? Why be the hunted when you can be the hunter?

Jack visits his grandparents. He was in the area and wanted to say hello. Kelly always had such nice things to say about her family. They haven't heard about her in a long time. She couldn't tell us where she went. The mother shows him the photo album. Kelly told us she was pregnant. We didn't push for details. Jack says she had the baby. A boy. They're thrilled. Jack says in the time I spent with her, she was an amazing mother. Her son loves her very much. She sang and talked to him before he was born. She made him feel safe and wanted. She said his path is his, who he chooses to be. She thinks Jack looks like young Kelly. Jack says I hope to someday have a little of her courage and purpose. I didn't mean to intrude, but I had to meet you. They says if you see Kelly, tell her we miss her. He says I will. I miss her, too. His grandmother hugs him.

Vamp girl is packing. Michael appears. Why do you think I dumped your brothers and sisters in plain sight? Why do you think I let you escape. You can't have a trap without bait. And once the trap has been sprung, you don't need bait anymore. He kills her with a thought.

Jack and Cas argue about Jack leaving the bunker. The possibility of capture is real. Jack wanted to meet the only real family he has left. Cas asks did it help? You didn't tell them who you are, did you? Jack says of course not. I wanted to. They thought I looked like her. I couldn't tell them that she died. They love her so much. I know I should've. Cas says you did it from a place of kindness. There are worse ways to be human than to be kind. Jack asks if they heard from Sam? Cas says yes. They plan to subdue him. Drive him out. Jack says Dean doesn't matter. If it comes down to him or Michael, Michael has to be stopped. I know this Michael, I've seen what he's done to an entire world. If stopping that means Dean has to die, do you think he'd want it any other way?

Man pours tea. For Nick. He hopes the years have been healing and restful. Nick says there is no restful for me anymore. Best I can hope for is to catch the monster that did it. Arty says we all hope that. Nick says you changed your story. Arty thought he saw something, but he was wrong. Nick checks a window. What made you look out? Hear someone scream? Was the man rushing out or casual? Did he have a hammer? The cops said my family was murdered by smashing their skulls over and over. Who got to you? Who paid you off? My family deserves justice! I deserve justice! Arty insists he doesn't know anything.

Sam and Bobby and Mary get attacked at the church. Bullets aren't working. Nothing's working. Decapitation works. Mary saves herself and Bobby. Sam and Mary and Bobby kill the last. Sam asks if everyone's okay? yeah. What kind of werewolves were those?! Michael enters. Raises a hand. Shuffles forward. Grips a post like he's weak. Takes off the hat. "'s me....."

**Yeah. Okay. A trap indeed.

Dean sits on the floor. Sam asks if it's really him. Dean says yes. Are you okay? No, I'm not okay. You expelled Michael? No. I didn't. He just left. Why? I don't know. I don't know.

Nick is bloody. Carrying a bloody hammer. Leaves the hammer behind. Arty is very dead.

Next ep - How is Dean really? Cas in Dean's head.

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