
Monday, December 10, 2018

#Elseworlds - Part 2 live blog #Arrow #Arrowverse

ARROW, “Elseworlds, Part 2″

With Oliver and Barry still stuck in the other’s bodies, the two get a lead on John Deegan (Lost‘s Jeremy Davies) and head to Gotham City with Supergirl to figure out why their reality has changed. While there, they meet the mysterious Kate Kane (Orange Is the New Black‘s Ruby Rose), who provides them with information that leads the group to Arkham Asylum.

Episode 9:

Barry reciting the My Name is Oliver Queen speech. 

Star City. Curtis says this lightning is following us. ARGUS team gets blasted back. It's Slade's son! He charges at Diggle. Takes down his team. John is down. This isn't personal. Just business. Super friends stop it. 

So, you're you. and You're you. John doesn't know why he's surprised now. We need you to solve this. Curtis says we need a pattern recognition algorithm. Oliver called Felicity. Barry thanks her for coming. Awkward! Curtis draws her away to help him. They're letting Felicity think everything is normal. John says this isn't going to be permanent, is it? Hope not! LOL. 

Oliver tells Barry you can't go to Gotham. Batman is an urban legend. I'm the original vigilante, Barry! Barry tells him to put the cowl on to protect his identity. LOL. Supergirl carries him to Gotham. Oliver arrives belatedly. Barry laughs at him for still getting the hang of it. Oliver says we talk to Vesper. Did you sleep with her? Barry tells Kara about Oliver cheating on his girlfriend with her sister. Hey! LOL. They find the Bat Light! Still think Batman isn't real?

Batwoman on a tower overlooking all. 

In regular clothes. This is why no one talks about Gotham. City might as well be dead. Criminals wants phones, wallets, watches. Oliver says maybe we talk this out. Guy tries to shoot him and Kara catches it. Barry takes him down. Police arrive. And recognize Green Arrow. Oliver tells Barry to stand down. Barry kneels with the other two.

Felicity has the algorithm loaded. Dimensional breach. Cisco enters. With Caitlin. It followed Barry and Oliver. Has to be related to the body swap. What? Heh.

In jail. Oliver asks about getting in touch with Laurel Lance. She said a night in jail will do them some good. LOL. Kara tells them what should've been done and what she would do. And someone has posted bail. Who? Out on the street is a limo. My employer insists. 

SUV takes them to a building. A very tall building. Wayne Tower. Oliver says Wayne left Gotham 3 years ago. No one knows where. They enter. The tower is grafittied. Kate greets Oliver Queen. No one's seen Batman in years. Barry says I'd never compare myself to a total badass like Batman. Oliver asks why she helped. Kate Kane says the faster you find what you're looking for, the faster you get out of my city. 

Cisco, Caitlin, Curtis, and John discuss not telling Felicity. She says you don't have to tiptoe. It's just a lot to process. Cisco says yeah, it was hard for Iris. Wait, Iris sussed it out? heh. She gets back onto the problem.

Kate says did you try facial recognition? Yes. Kara thinks it's strange that Bruce Wayne and Batman disappeared at the same time. Vesper hung up on Barry. Apparently I did sleep with her. Kate says the Wi Fi password is Alfred. Oliver stole data from the police. The Flash did it. LOL. 

Caitlin comes to talk to Felicity. We have more experience with alternate realities than you do. And we knocked them unconscious when they tried to tell us. Felicity calls it a long line of excuses for Oliver's behavior. What's love without respect? Caitlin says if there's love, you can't give up on it. They figure they need to build a device to get the person through.

Oliver found John Deegan on the computer. Where is he now? No known address. And fired 5 years ago. Kara's going to do an xray flyby of the city. 

She wanders into Kate's office. Sorry about the third degree earlier. Wayne carries a certain notoriety. Kate says Bruce is my cousin. I'm turning this building into a real estate development firm. Clark is frenemies with Bruce. Kara asks if he broke. Kate says sitting at that desk, staring out the window, watching the city rot, how do you find a way to not break? Bruce didn't leave without a fight. Kara comments on Kate's tattoos. Spots the Bard statue in a box. Kara asks about Deegan. Kate says he's a doctor at Arkham Asylum. Kara thanks her and leaves.

Kate goes into the Bat Cave. To the Batwoman costume. 

Storm. The device is ready. They're drawing whoever is breaching to them. Multiple quantum surges. It's '90s Flash! Get the book, you can fix this! 

Arkham. Cisco, Caitlin, and John breach to them. Tell them what Jay Garrick said. Barry's skeptical about the other Flash. 

Kara enters with Caitlin in a wheelchair. She gets cold and freezes stuff. Nurse says we have a couple of those.

Names on cells! Even Guggenheim, the writer. They find Deegan. He wanted to become the Flash, but changing reality has a learning curve. Oliver says you did this, you can undo it. Deegan triggers an alarm and runs. John asks what did he do? Oliver says bought himself some time. 

**Love all the Gotham Easter eggs.

Kara gets in costume. 

Patients are out of their rooms. Oliver says find that book! 

Barry arrows up. 

Finally, the inmates are running the asylum. Not for long.

Nora Frieze building the cold gun. Killer Frost comes out. 

John fighting with inmates. Oliver tosses them back in their cells. 

No sign of Deegan or the book. 

Inmates get out. Run into Green Arrow and Cisco. Barry knocked out and Cisco hit by a van. Batwoman arrives. Takes out 3. Barry and Cisco up. That's not Batman. She says you should've listened to Kate Kane.

Fries finds the cold gun. Frost asks for backup. 

Deegan goes to a crevice he hid the book in. There you are. Supergirl blasts him with her wind breath. Grabs the book. Deegan is gone. 

Killer Frost blasted back. Barry gets to her. Oliver throws lightning at Nora Fries. And breaks the Scarecrow vials. They see Thawne and Merlyn! No one's coming to help you.

Thawne and Merlyn. They fight each other. Caitlin wakes up and sees Barry vs Oliver. We have a new problem. They think they're fighting their archenemies. Merlyn challenges Barry. Thawne taunts Oliver. Merlyn calls Robert a coward. Just like you. Thawne calls the Flash pathetic. Batwoman comes in. Who are you? Your friends were exposed to a powerful hallucinogen. 

How does a book change reality? Batwoman tells them to get out of Gotham. She really is like batman. Supergirl lingers. I wanted to wish you luck. I'm sure your cousin is proud of you. You really do have a lot of tattoos. Xray vision. Kate knows she's Kara Danvers, too. We would make a good team. World's Finest mention. They shake hands.

ARGUS. They brought the book. Geek squad, form up on me. Barry offers to talk to felicity. Oliver says nope. Barry asks how he's doing. He's compartmentalizing. Barry brings up seeing Merlyn and Thawne. I wouldn't be able to carry the burdens you do. Oliver thought Barry had sunshine and rainbows and everybody likes you. But you have real steel, my friend. Barry advises him to not wait to straighten things out with Felicity. 

He asks to speak with her. Maybe it's easier to hear this from...Barry Allen. That we're going to be okay. People change. We're growing. Evolving. But one thing that will not change is how I feel about you. Love is too small a word. No matter who you are or what you become. Or what I am or become. You will always be the love of my life. People change. That never will. She hugs and kisses him. Flash arrives. Dad? He's Barry Allen. Hello, John. You're not wearing your ring. Things must be different here. I came to warn you about The Monitor. He's testing different earths for a Crisis that's coming. A collision of realities. Cisco says we have a situation. That's him from the vibe. 

On TV. 

And they confront him. You're going to set reality right! Monitor sends 90s Flash away. Monitor is unimpressed. He's preparing for someone who's coming that's far powerful than him. You're the first to retrieve the Book of Destiny. For all the good it did you. You show potential. Let's see if you have more. 

Brings the book to Deegan. THINK BIGGER. Deegan opens it. 

Oliver and Barry in biker outfits. Rewrote reality. Police come to arrest them. Oliver doesn't have speed. Neither does Barry. Diaz is a cop! Oliver takes his gun, then shoots toward the cops and knocks Diaz out. They run. And are confronted by a dark Superman. It's over. 

Next ep - Supergirl. This is my world! Superman is a monster.

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