
Thursday, December 6, 2018

#Legacies 1.6 - “Mombie Dearest” live recap #thevampirediaries #theoriginals

“Mombie Dearest”

LIZZIE AND JOSIE’S SWEET SIXTEEN — As Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) prepare for their long awaited sweet sixteen party, Alaric (Matthew Davis) finds himself preoccupied with the latest supernatural arrival — one that hits a little too close to home. Elsewhere, Penelope’s (guest star Lulu Antariksa) latest plan gives MG (Quincy Fouse) one last shot at impressing Lizzie on her big day, while an unexpected betrayal causes tensions to boil over between Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) and Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith). Geoff Shotz directed the episode written by Marguerite MacIntyre (#106). Original airdate 12/6/2018.

Episode 6:

Jo in the wedding dress in the halls. 

Ric on the phone with Caroline. How do I tell the girls their mom won't be here for their 16th birthday? I can't tell them what you're really involved in. I have a knife, a symbol, and a place, but I don't know what monster is coming next. Ric? I have to call you back. He yells for Dorian. Jo tells him to put down the crossbow. My freak out level is at 11 right now. Ric says she's the love of my life. She says wait, wait. Listen to Dorian. She was yanked awake and just here. Ric wants to kill her before she attacks. Dorian says interrogate her. Maybe she'll know more than the dryad did. Okay. But no one sees her. Especially today. 

Hope babbling about Landon to the counselor. A normal teenager. You don't need a counselor, Hope. You need a friend. 

Raf bossing around the wolves. On party duty. He's still mad. She says it was for Landon's own good. I want him to be safe. She came to apologize. And if you need someone to talk to..... Whatever. Raf stops her. I do need help with something. I don't want to let Lizzie down. I'm her date. 

Josie and Lizzie. Lizzie's cheerful. Mom's coming home, I had sex with Raf, my pores are practically invisible.... So I need your help. I'm going for Meghan Markle tasteful. Penelope comes in. Your mom's not coming. They canceled her pickup. I thought you knew. Lizzie magically closes the door. 

Counselor did a boundary spell to keep Jo in the room. Ric asks who are you, what do you want? She says she's Jo. Almost Saltzman. What do you last remember? The wedding day. Kai with the knife. Then nothing. How long ago was that? He says 16 years ago. She asks how he is, how he's been? She says I'm not the first person to be brought back from the dead. the twins knock and asks why he didn't tell them Mom wasn't coming home. He says he's wrapping their presents right now. They don't believe him. You're lying through your teeth. They magic the door open. Who's this trollop? Jo asks how old are you? Are they twins? 16 today. Josie says it's her. She grabs a photo. Her. From the wedding. Holy crap. You're Bio Mom.

**Tactful as ever, Lizzie.

Jo says how? He tells them the crazy coven put them in Caroline when you died. She asks if they.... He says no, Caroline married Stefan Salvatore. The girls introduce themselves. 

Hope and Raf going over the party. He asks how do you know this stuff? She says one of my aunts. It's her jam. She instructs him through the steps. Lizzie has been planning her sweet 16 since she was 5. He says I can't let her down. I slept with her.

MJ and Penelope bickering. She asks why he's doing all this to make the party perfect. She says take your little MGs away from Lizzie's grip. He wants his shot. She agrees to give him time. And when she crushes you, let her go.

Ric grilling Jo with questions with the truth ball. Josie asks Jo how they met and was it love at first sight? Jo tells her. Awww. Lizzie says we have a party to get ready for. Josie asks if she'll still be here? Ric says I'll be there. The office is off limits. 

Hope teaching Raf how to dance. He thanks her. I'll see you at the party. She says he won't. She's going to stay in her room. He says everyone needs a crew. You're the lonely girl on purpose. She says you're taking a girl you don't like to her party. Barrier spell. Penelope. You'll be free in an hour. Plenty of time to practice that waltz. 

Ric doesn't get it. Jo knows things Jo knows. Counselor tells Ric to tread lightly. Dorian tells Ric about a story from WW1. The resurrected ransacked a village without knowing it. They had no memory, only knowing they were yanked back to life.

Josie and Lizzie discussing Jo. Lizzie says we can't cheat on Mom with the bio mom. Calls her Mombie Dearest. Josie made up Lizzie's hair. I'll catch up. He finds a birthday card from Hope. With a medallion necklace gift. Penelope knocks. Need an escort? Josie says know anyone that doesn't have a heart of stone? Penelope keeps pushing about the co-dependency. When are you going to take care of you? Party starts in 5. It's a shame you spent all that time helping Lizzie get ready. 

Jo's reflection in a mirror is not normal. She looks through a photo album. Josie breaks in in her birthday dress. Do you know how to braid? Jo smiles. 

**Josie's hair already looks pretty down in those waves, but decorative braids are the thing lately.

**Nice of Ric to find clothes for Jo. Though it must've been painful to see her in the bloody wedding dress again. It was a shame TVD needed a reason for Candace's pregnancy in Caroline. Jo was a good addition to the show and Ric deserved the win. Everyone that guy loves dies.

The birthday party. Lizzie enters. Kids cheering. They're already dancing. Emcee points her out. MG meets her at the stairs. She asks where's my date? He says you're looking at him. He gives her a red rose. He knows her favorite color, her favorite dessert, her music, and that powdered bat wings make her sneeze. Then cues her favorite song. Makes her laugh on the dance floor. 

Jo says you'll be late. Josie says no one will notice. At your own party? Maybe if I had a date. Is there someone special? Josie says it's complicated. There was a girl and she dumped me. But now there's a boy and Lizzie has dibs. If she knew it'd be bad. Jo says anyone who spends 5 minutes with you would know how special you are. Caroline did a great job. Lizzie is like Caroline. And Josie is like Jo. She's glad Jo is here. Dad is lonely. Jo says he's pretty terrific. But you have a party to go to. Josie asks her to come to the party with her.

Hope and Raf. He says it's only been 6 weeks since Cassie. He feels like he cheated on her. Hope says you went through something awful, but you can't pretend to like Lizzie to make you feel better. That doesn't do her any good, or yourself.

MG shows off on the dance floor. Lizzie impressed. Then invites her out. Penelope realizes Josie isn't there. 

Josie and Jo walking there. Jo passes out. Josie can't wake her and wants to go for help. Then Jo's eyes are white and her face looks like a zombie. She rushes Josie.

Hope and Raf waiting for the spell to drop. Landon's off to find his birth mom. What if she's amazing and he finally has a family? Raf says he had me. She says family is always and forever. Raf says he's not my blood but he's my brother. Make friends to double down on the family you don't have. Time's up, Lonely Girl.

MG and Lizzie having fun. Music gets slow. Then Raf appears to cut in. MG lets him. Raf apologizes. She'll forgive him just this once. Raf bows like Hope taught him. 

Ric and Dorian searching. Ric finds Jo. Something's wrong. Josie wanted me to come to the party. I lost time! I must've done something. She holds up dirty hands. Then she collapses and something takes her body again. I'm sure your daughter has an hour before she runs out of air. Hope arrives in a party dress. What's going on?

Penelope asks MG if he's seen Josie? MG is moping. Hope arrives. No time for bitchy banter. Actually, I could use your help finding Josie. Her possessed bio mom buried her in the cemetery. 

Ric calls Dorian. Where is the knife? Bring it to me now. It has Josie! Dorian says we'll save Josie but we're not giving up this knife. 

MG, listen for her breathing. He hears something. Digs and it's a zombie. He pierces it in the brain. More zombies break out. They're surrounded. 

Raf and Lizzie still dancing. She wants to go to the rock quarry. He says I'm sorry, but I can't. It's a dick move, but it'd be even worse to lie to you. I'll be the best date I can be, but the other stuff isn't going to happen. She doesn't understand. Last night.... He says last night was a mistake. She asks where's my sister?

Killing zombies. Hope tells MG to find Josie. They take care of the zombies. 

MG says he hears her. Hold on. Digs out a zombie. Hope kills it. We're running out of time! Penelope tosses her an ax. Hope yells at MG ti find her. He finally gets it. Digs for Josie. They pull. The talisman kept her safe. It makes quiet things heard.

Ric says it wasn't you. Something drives the monsters, a dark presence that we can't figure out. Jo says it's not safe for us. Siphon it out of me. He says its magic is keeping you alive. She's ready for that. He says oh. Right. They hug. She says Josie thinks you're lonely. Are you happy? He's happy right now in the arms of his demon possessed baby mama. She's serious. He'll be happy when the girls are grown. She asks if they know what happens when they're 22? Not yet. We don't want them to know yet. Caroline is following a lead. Jo says thank Caroline for being my girls' mother. They weep on each other. 

MG thinks taking out the zombies was the real him. I'm a superhero. Penelope busts up laughing. Josie thanks him. Pen assk what about me? I helped. Josie says you're the reason I got buried on my birthday. Not everyone has to be a showboat! Pen says this world needs the selfish and the selfless to keep spinning. She kisses Josie. Josie hates her. I know. They kiss again.

Hope sitting alone. Raf finds her. Rough night? She says no. A lot of fun. How about you? He says he was straight with Lizzie. She says I have my own Avengers squad. LOL. He says want to see if I still got it? Dancing in front of the old fireplace. He says you took a bath in dirt? She tells him what happened.

Ric and Jo tell the girls what to do. Jo says it's okay. I was already dead. I'm a witch. We believe in the natural order. I shouldn't be here. I love that I had this, but it's a lie. I need you to make it right. Longer I'm here, the more I remember where I came from. I watched all of you like a dream. I think I was at peace. So that's where I'll be, waiting for you. Lizzie apologizes. Crying. I was awful to you. Jo says it's okay to let people see you have a big heart. My beautiful girls. You're everything I could've wished for. be good to each other. Fight for each other. When you're older, you 'll understand what I mean. Remember I said it. She offers her hands. Josie can't. Jo says it's the right thing to do. The only thing to do for you. She takes Jo's hand. Jo loves her. Them. She stands. I love all of you so much. Ric crying, too. She nods at him. Closes her eyes. the girls siphon. Jo fades away and disappears. Ric sits with them and they snuggle into him to grieve. 

Jo's gravestone. Dorian tells him to go home. I'll take care of this. Ric says I will find whatever monster did this and kill it slowly. Monster arrives. it wouldn't do you any good. Ric asks who are you? It says tremble in the presence of The Necromancer! Who? The Necromancer keeps boasting. They aren't impressed. He says there's only one of me, I assure you. Now you see what I can do, let's get to business about that knife. Ric says he'll kill him. Necromancer says death can't hold me. Ric hits him with a shoulder. We'll see about that.

Next week - midseason finale. Necromancer wants Hope's help.

Legacies showrunner Julie Plec breaks down Jo's emotional return

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