
Thursday, February 11, 2021

#Legacies 3.4 - "Hold On Tight" live blog #Legaciesseasontwofinale #witches #vampires #werewolves

"Hold On Tight"

WELCOME TO TEAM MONSTER - The Super Squad bands together after the Necromancer's (guest star Ben Geurens) next move unleashes more than anyone bargained for. Meanwhile, a run-in with Ethan (Leo Howard) reminds Josie (Kaylee Bryant) why she doesn't trust herself with magic. Danielle Rose Russell, Matthew Davis, Aria Shahghasemi, Jenny Boyd, Quincy Fouse, Chris Lee and Ben Levin also star. Jeffrey Hunt directed the episode written by Brett Matthews (#304). Original airdate 2/11/2021.

Remember, this was supposed to be last season's finale. Alyssa has MG, so he's in trouble. 

Episode 4:

Hope awakes to Landon bringing pancakes for their anniversary. Officially boyfriend and girlfriend for 1 year. He has a whole date planned. Dinner. Dance in the square. She wants to make tonight special, too. Ohhhh. Like special special. She's ready. If he's ready, too. He is. I love you, Hope Mikaelson.

Josie at Mystic Falls HS. She's doing a Day in the Life story. New principal is a hardass. She says you'll probably see Dad first. He and your mom have gotten pretty close.

Necro preparing a spell in a classroom. Principal tells him to leave. Now. Necro kills him.

Ric comes back to the school with a smile. Josie tells him what happened. He says go inside. I'll handle it. Now go. Dragon! Zombie dragon? How do we erase that?

Alyssa working on the spell in the crypt. MG trying to appeal to her. You've got 2 minutes because your eyes are so dreamy. She's recreating the Triad spell that made Malivore. MG says the Necro is using you. I can help you. Offers his hand. She says you're right. You can. She cuts him. I need the blood of a vampire. That's why you're here.

Ric with the students. What are we going to do? I have a plan. In the past, I would've kept it from you. The way I see it now, you're the world's only shot. Hope is in. Lizzie is in. MG "left a note". Landon wants to help.

Alyssa says her spell is way more powerful than the original. Malivore is going to serve Ted. You'll get weaker until you die. But Ted will bring you back. And make you love me this time. MG pleads with her. Don't do this.

Arriving at Mystic Falls. Sheriff says you can't be here. He uses the compulsion trigger. Kaleb arrives in his Corvette. The rest arrive in the van. Ric tells her to trust him. Evacuate the town. Then help my kids hold the line. Against what? Monsters. Undead monsters.

Hope and Landon under the school. Leads to the boiler room. She can't risk losing him again. He'll stay. Go do your Tribrid thing. Just be back for that date. But he will be looking for a spell implement to break. He's ObiWan here to take the tractor beam down so the heroes save the world. She says he dies, doesn't he? Landon says she has two more Star Wars movies to see and he intends to show them, so he has no plan to die today.

Lizzie wants Josie to take her magic back. I need you at full strength. Josie says she's not ready. Lizzie says Alyssa's on Team Monster and MG hasn't come back. Josie says admit it, he's finally won you over. Lizzie likes him the better person she becomes. I need to help him the way he's always helping me. You and I are more powerful together than we are apart.

Alyssa and MG. Checkers. He's not in the mood. He knows what it's like to think of himself as a monster and be called that by your parents. She says game over. He says your parents rejected you. It hurt. You shared that pain with everyone else to make it go away. She says wrong! He wants to know the truth. She says my parents loved me. I still lost control. And they're dead. Your parents are still alive, so cry me a freaking river, MG. He's weakening. Ted raising something big. Ted's in control now. MG had to prove his parents wrong. You can prove yours right. Find a way to stop this before the necromancer gets what he wants. Josie makes Alyssa sleep. She and Lizzie came to rescue MG.

Landon finds Necro. Ted wants his revenge. Every monster loose on the world. Consuming humans like Malivore consumed us and have them all serve me. Excuse me, I have a blood sacrifice to attend. Malivore shows up behind. Landon. Gah! Hey, Dad....

Malivore bows to Ted. Ted leaves. Landon wants to help.

MG says we can stop it, but you're going to hate it. Wake Alyssa up. She knows the spell. She can stop it or rewrite it. Lizzie doesn't trust her. MG says trust me.

Landon convincing Malivore to collaborate. There's always a loophole to magic. He gave you a lot of wiggle room. You created me to be your vessel, right? Use me to destroy him and free yourself. What do you say, Dad?

Hope hears someone coming. Ethan leading students. Landon told him to get people out this way. Landon was going for the football field.

Sphinx saw how Ric dies. Ric says this was a trap. Sheriff shoots it. Go round up your team. Time we took the fight to them. I have to go handle Bullwinkle.

Necro has a circle of students in the football field. Blood sacrifice. Landon coming with Malivore's strength. Punches Ted to fly several yards. I am not Landon Kirby. Ted is suddenly afraid. Malivore.

Ted wants to cut a deal. My veins course with black magic. I'll give you what you desire. Only say the word.

Jed and Kaleb bickering. Ric stops them. The body glows bright. What was that?

Malivore puts his foot on Ted. I want you to die. Jaw drops to consume. Dragon flying in. Blasts Landon Malivore with fire. Hope sees and runs to him. Ash falls to the grass. Ted gloaty. She drops to her knees. Ted laughs.

Can't find Hope or Landon. There's no sign of them or any monsters. Just gone.

Ted says no snarky quip? He have his dragon BBQ her, too. Her eyes glow. She picks up the knife. Dragons will always have a soft spot. You'll be dead before it gets here. He yells I'm Death Incarnate! You can't kill me! She cuts his head off. I can stick that head of yours in very unpleasant places. Landon asks can I play, too? She wants proof it's him. He kisses her.

**Sheriff said they weren't at the football field. Except they are. So what's real? Cloaking? Illusion? Is it just the regular humans not finding anything?

Hope asks how? He has no idea. She says the flash of light.

Ric thinks they went to a prison world. Limbo. Ric doesn't understand why we're still here?

Ted says it was all working so perfectly. Hope says it's Alyssa. Landon picks Ted's head up. They can't get out while he's raising creatures. Hope has an idea. Trust me? Landon says you have to ask at this point? Landon punts the head.

Chanting. MG says I suddenly feel a lot better. Are we cool? Alyssa says yeah. I think so. They created a new prison world. You're both free. She lucky they showed up. Thanks them. That's what I'm trying to say. Lizzie says thank MG. MG says we should let Dr. Saltzman know. After a group hug. Lizzie bails. Josie wants forgiveness. The three of them hug.

Hope and Landon at the portal in the prison world.

Ted gets his head back on his body. He's in the woods. Malivore finds him. And there's no symbol on his forehead. Bloody hell.

Hope thinks they'll be spit out because her blood is toxic to Malivore. Hold on tight. Landon isn't letting go of her again. They step into the goo. Is this tight enough? Never. See you on the other side. They kiss as they sink into it.

Crypt. Hope wakes. Landon? She stands. Looks for him. Right here. Sorry, you're probably wondering who I am-- He offers her a peanut butter blast. I remember all of it. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we came through together. Whatever it was, something changed. He woke, set her up on the bench, and headed to the Grill. He didn't see people. But because the town's evacuated or something else. He wants one dance first. Okay. They sway. She says this brings back memories. He would like to be unremembered. She can't. He knows. They kiss. Our reality is better than any fantasy. She sheds her jacket. He says fair warning, I'm probably going to be terrible at it. She removes her shirt. He does the same. They kiss again.

Ric and sheriff having drinks. She can't believe she's boozing at Hogwarts. LOL. But she knows he won't let her remember. Kaleb says we finished compelling everyone at the evac center. Ric says compel her to remember everything. He knows he may lose her. But it's her decision to make.

Pool party. Kaleb rapping at the DJ station.

MG holding the new Ascendant. Alyssa finds him. MG says it's easier to believe in others than yourself. She says you sort of saved the world today. What do you have in mind? He understands her situation. I've treated you like Lizzie treated me. She's always seen him. So what will you do with that? He wants to give them a shot. She kisses him. Lizzie sees. Ouch.

Jo staring into a fireplace. Lizzie thought MG would always be waiting there. I guess.....I'm happy he's okay, too. Even if Alyssa is cleaning his tonsils. Thank you for helping him, Jo. She put the magic away again. Hold this for me. Lizzie says whatever you think is best. Josie wants to transfer to Mystic Falls and have a non-witch life. If I have your support.

Hope asks.....He says it was perfect. Is that was flying feels like? Flying is way less awesome. Hope never thought she could be this happy. He coughs up black sludge! And dissolves into goo! Landon!

Next ep - Whatever it takes to get Landon back. Wishing box.

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