
Thursday, March 25, 2021

#Legacies 3.8 - "Long Time, No See" live blog #witches #werewolves #vampires

“Long Time, No See”

BLIND SPOTS — MG (Quincy Fouse) finds himself on the outs with the Super Squad after a controversial decision he made comes to light. Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) puts a risky plan in motion regardless of the potential consequences. Kaleb (Chris Lee), Cleo (guest star Omono Okojie), and Alaric (Matthew Davis) join forces when the latest monster shows up. Kaylee Bryant, Jenny Boyd, and Ben Levin also star. Geoff Shotz directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#308). Original airdate 3/25/2021.

Image credit: The CW

Episode 8:

Hope having a nightmare about Landon dying again? Malivore is coming. She tries to use the Ascendant and it falls apart.

Cleo wakes her up from doing magic in her sleep. Sorry, guess I was dreaming. I think Landon was trying to send me a message. That he's alive.

Gates are a common symbol in dreams. A closed gate means something is holding you back. She tells Ric that moving on is not the answer. Finding Landon is. Ric understands why MG wasn't honest about the Ascendant. Malivore's way out. He's not letting her use it until there's credible proof Landon is alive.

MG looking for a seat in the chow hall. And no one is letting him sit. Even Wade. Kaleb enters carrying buckets. Monster traps around campus. He asked Cleo to help. What you did is a total dick move. Kaleb can't have his back when he's two-faced. Cleo arrives and asks if he's ready to go.

Lizzie and Hope. She promised Ric she'd help. But you need to manage your expectations. Josie arrives. Looking for her chemistry textbook. She wants to help but Lizzie pushes her out the door. No magic talk around her. Works for Hope.

Cleo chants at the trap. Kaleb says it was hot. Literally with the fire. Cleo says the monster won't be able to leave if it enters the trap. He wants to get to know her. She asks what's going on with MG? He says it's a Super Squad thing. She doesn't know how to fix it with Hope regarding the leprechaun. Kaleb tells her about MG. Can't keep one vow without breaking the other. So he's staying Switzerland. Cleo has an idea.

Astral projection. Lizzie says you have a blind spot for Landon like I did for Sebastian. Hope says you can tell me what's changed since before. A note on the gate. What's left of it. The wind always does the same thing every day. Hope says see? Helpful. Find and reading the note. My name is Landon Kirby. Hope says it's proof! They go home.

And some monster arrives at the scene. Or a guy in a REALLY weird costume. Bone mask and hood and stuff.

Map of Mystic Falls. Super Squad meeting to plan the rescue. Planetary transit tonight to power the Ascendant. Next event isn't for another month. They can do a locator spell inside the prison world. Ric says this mission has to be on a voluntary basis. Hope asks who is with her. MG asks to explain himself. There's nothing I wouldn't do for anyone at this school. I've seen this world's horrors with my own eyes. We need a better plan. We'll be trading a life of someone here for Malivore. Landon would agree with me. Hope says if he was here, he'd go after any of you. MG says your plan isn't smart. It's desperate. It's my plan that put Malivore where he's at right now. I'm no coward. Who's with me? No one. He tells Ric you're right, I don't need to be here.

Cleo and Kaleb. He's impressed. You're a quick study. Meet the ferry man of Greek mythology. In her belief, magic is neither good or bad. It's alignment is set with intention. Kaleb isn't convinced MG's intentions were good. She says saving Landon will require action. You can't be Switzerland forever. He'll think on it. I promise.

Ric says the Necromancer is trapped there, too. Everyone needs to make the decision that's right for them. Kaleb arrives. He's undecided. Wade? He needs a DM for DND, so he's Team Hope. Jed will rally the wolves. As long as the witches stop spelling scarlet As on my shirts. Lizzie? She's with MG. Hope says you're the only Gemini witch we have. Sorry, Hope. We'll find another way.

Josie and Finch at the lockers. They want to go on a date but can't agree on what. Finch suggests a ditch date. Hope comes to her. I need that help you offered me this morning.

**But Josie would have to take her magic back to take Lizzie's place.

MG with the Ascendant. Lizzie spelled it to stay put. MG says Hope will never quit. Lizzie's here to help him. She picks it up. I stuck up for you. It was pretty epic. He puts it in his bag. We'll keep it out of Hope's hands until the event is over.

Lizzie and Ric. He can't find another way. We'll have to wait another month. Lizzie says Landon can survive another month. We almost lost this school. He asks why she chose MG. Partially. She's returning the favor for once. His phone buzzes. Josie skipped school? When? He says Hope found her Gemini witch after all.

They're in a cemetery. Josie asks where is Lizzie? She lied about Lizzie coming. Hope says Lizzie bailed on me. Josie not happy about the lie. Hope brought the coin. Take your magic back and we save Landon.

Kaleb tells Cleo that Lizzie put the kibosh on Hope's plan. But Cleo's not well. She brought the Ferry Man! Holy crap. He's trapped in her spell. So far. Pretty cool look for the guard to the underworld. He's kind of skeletal with fire burning in his head. The Greek ferryman hasn't looked undead before, at least not on any show I've seen. Don't know if an actor is in there at all because he looks wholly rendered.

Josie asks Hope if she understands the risk she's asking to take. Hope says I'll be right at your side. I went in your head thinking you needed someone to save you, but you did it yourself. Josie says MFH is a fresh start. A new me. Hope says your past is a part of you. But she won't guilt trip her. No one feels more guilty about Landon than I do. So I'll focus on the good. Josie says stop. She is decided.

Kaleb and Cleo show Ric. She says I summoned it. It won't accept money in exchange for Landon's souls. Ric thinks he knows what it wants. Go get Landon's personal stuff to connect to his soul. We're running out of time.

Lizzie and MG went on a road trip. We need to go west. She says it's a surprise. MG needs to say something. You're my person. You always have been and you always will be. But I didn't know you had my back in the same way. So I want to say thank you. She wants to pause that conversation. She siphons his strength. Hope has Josie and she won't stop until she gets the Ascendant. It's the only way to save my sister. I'm sorry.

Hope and Josie starting the spell. Lizzie arrives before Josie can use the coin. Hope won't ask again. Lizzie tosses the coin. Lizzie brought the Ascendant. Let's do the damn spell.

Ric singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game at the Ferry Man. Kaleb takes the stage. Much better singing than Ric. It's tapping its foot. They all sing the chorus. Someone to Watch Over......Landon Kirby. Orpheus charmed it with poetry and song instead of cash. Kaleb gives him Landon's stuff. Ferry Man stamps his staff and melts. Hope he comes back in time.

Josie outside the circle. Lizzie and Hope inside. Start chanting. Red lightning. Dark magic. Necro was full of it when we trapped him. It's radioactive. It's infecting them. Infecting Lizzie. Josie takes it from Lizzie. Hope is sorry. Explosion blows them apart and outside the circle. Hope gets up. Landon's back? Long time no see. She asks if she'd dead or is it a dream. Lizzie and Josie see him too. Hope runs into his arms.

**At least when it's spread between the three of them, no one was overcome.

Kaleb cooking a crab omelet in the kitchen for Cleo. Old Bay seasoning all the way. She asks if she's an official member of the Squad now. He serves her. She's wowed. He was on the sidelines before she put him back in the game. No more Switzerland for me. He'll talk to MG next.

MG wakes. Lizzie has blood for him. She owes him an apology. For siphoning and stealing the Ascendant. But It turned out okay. Landon's back. You were right about Hope's plan and it's the last thing I do for her. But Josie was in trouble. She's the only person on the planet I'd betray anyone for. Especially you. You know that, right? He says people used to listen to me. When lives were on the line. But if that's no longer the case, I don't know why I'm here. Salvatore School doesn't feel like home anymore. If everyone's going to bail on me, I have to bail before it gets to that point again. I can't bear seeing you or anyone else I love get hurt.

Ric says there are no traces of black magic in Josie, so it's still her choice to go back to Mystic Falls. I talked to Mom this morning. You have a friend in town with a room I can use. For a little bit. Are you mad? He's a little sad. But if I allow my students to make decisions about raiding a prison world full of monsters...... He'll give her a ride to school.

Landon remembers the last night they were together. She says until you dissolved into a puddle of mud. Then? Darkness. It's the only thing he can remember. She knows what Malivore loneliness is like. Hope says we owe Cleo a fruit basket. They had a fight. He asks what about? Hope updates him. Leprechaun. Long story. Doesn't matter. She pissed off a lot of people in the process. Runs in the family. Dad had to go to extreme lengths to get my mom back. Things were never the same after that. He promises he's not going anywhere. They kiss.

But someone came out with him.

Next ep - April 8. Cutest monster ever. Pitting them against each other.

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