
Thursday, November 4, 2021

#Legacies 4.4 - "See You On The Other Side" live blog #Tribrid #witches #werewolves #vampires #TheOriginals

"See You On The Other Side"
PEACE - Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) wrestles with her reality. Alaric (Matthew Davis) entrusts the Super Squad to work together. Cleo (guest star Omono Okojie) confides in Landon (Aria Shahghasemi). Meanwhile, MG (Quincy Fouse) divulges some important information to Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Finch (guest star Courtney Bandeko) sees a different side to Josie (Kaylee Bryant). Chris Lee, Ben Levin, and Leo Howard also star. The episode was written by Bret Matthews & Sylvia Batey Alcalá and directed by Jeffrey Hunt (#320). Original airdate 11/4/2021.


Image credit: The CW

Episode 4:

The last episode of last season. 

Hope asks the Ferryman if that boat takes me to Peace. There has to be a catch. She didn't bring any money. He points to her necklace. She says it's priceless to her. She says prove it takes me to my family and we can make a deal. Ted says I wouldn't do that if I were you. And this is no game.

Kaleb and Ethan at a house to talk about Malivore. Forcibly infect a man who wanted them to go away. On to the next house?

Jed and Wade saw them. Jed returns to the school to update the Squad. Ric says Malivore is trying to split us up and make us fight on multiple fronts. Josie knows why Ric has to go alone. Lizzie agrees for this one time only, he can put Hope first. MG is in charge of the rest. What do we do? All of it.

Ted says they're in limbo. Ferryman won't accept anything Ted has to offer. He guesses she died on purpose to bring an end to Malivore once and for all. Hope thinks she won't reach Peace if she goes back. I'm a Mikaelson. And being a vampire isn't peaceful. So who do I save?

Landon stuck in a closet. Cleo finds him.

Ted and Hope sit on the dock. She says I'm screwed. Peace is the easy way out. She asks if her family will find Peace? Ted can't recall what they talked about. He only remembers pieces of the Necromancer's life. Could have been lying. Or manipulating. I'm sorry, Hope. She says do me a favor? If my mother or father or uncle pass by, tell them not to wait for me. She dives in the water.

Comes back to a world that's overwhelming. Light and sound. Malivore says welcome back to the world of the living. Don't get used to it. You won't be staying long.

**Pretty sure the Necromancer was not telling the truth about her dead relatives. Their spirits being stuck in limbo would completely negate their sacrifices.

Hope can't do magic. Malivore says you're in transition. No powers or wolf form. You made yourself more vulnerable! She says only until I feed. He says if you feed. If you don't feed in time, you die. Alone, weak, pitiful. She says my friends are coming for me. He's counting on it.

Ric brought a staff to the train yard.

Finch comes to Josie. Wade and Jed arrive. Banshee candle and all the salt from the kitchen. Wade and Jed need to be the last line of defense. Clear the school and make sure no one comes in this room no matter what happens here. Josie's going to do black magic to pull Cleo and Landon out of Malivore. If something goes wrong, Finch will need to light the candle so Josie can't speak.

MG and Lizzie find Ethan's truck. She gets out of the car. MG does, too, and Ethan greets him. He has minions. Get to the train depot. Tells MG he doesn't have a choice about fighting. Malivore says what good are drones if you can't control them for all the fun parts. You wanted to be a superhero. Now you get to fight a super villain. Now Ethan has powers. What kind?

Landon asks Cleo how he knows she's not Malivore. Cleo tells Landon that she was tricked into telling Malivore how to kill Hope. We have to warn her. She's going to make them a way out.

Hope trying to get out. She breaks the glass on the train car. Sees Malivore sitting in another spot. That can't be good. His door is locked, so she keeps moving.

Ric's injured. He's beaten a LOT of minions. Kaleb says not bad, Doc. Ready for round 2? Kaleb's eyes light up. Ric runs as Kaleb blows fire.

**So, we have Mali-zombies and powered minions? Did Malivore switch from Ethan to Kaleb for this? Or can he control both at once?

MG files into the school. Keeps appealing to Ethan. Malivore says you have to fight me. Time to put on your big boy tights. So let's raise the stakes. Ethan can teleport. MG grabs a locker door as a shield for a stake. Lizzie grabs Ethan's head. He falls unconscious. MG hears that Ethan is not breathing.

Ric hiding. Kaleb can hear his heart racing. Ric says there's still good in you. Only goes so deep, Doc. Leave. Ric says I can't. Malivore has Hope. You were able to because we trusted you. Like I'm trusting you now. How many times do I have to believe in you before you believe in yourself. He keeps walking to Kaleb. I'm betting my life on you. Until Ric hugs him. Kaleb says you could've got yourself killed. Wouldn't be the first time. Malivore takes Kaleb over and tosses Ric. Ric says I have a PhD, dick. Malivore calls him pathetic. Ric says we've been kicking your ass for years, pal. Malivore will not consume Ric so the world will remember you and your school were failures. But I will kill you. Hope stabs the dragon from behind. Then collapses.

Malivore back in Landon's body. Hurries out. Follows Hope's blood trail.

Cleo needs quiet. It's more difficult than she thought. Landon wants to help. He gets grabbed. Cleo says someone's trying to summon you.

Josie chanting. Nose bleed. Finch tries to light the candle in the wind. Gets under the bed to shield the flame. Dark Josie is on the bed. Extinguishes the candle. Hey, girlfriend.

Ric takes out his pocket knife and cuts his hand. Hope, you're dying. You need to feed. She knows. But what if I can't handle what comes after. He's never seen something she can't handle. Never wanted it to come to this. I'm sorry. She says you can't fight fate. She feeds and the sky turns red and stormy. Her eyes open and her irises are gold. Malivore asks if he's interrupting something. She stands. It's okay. We're done here and so are you. She vamps out.

**The tribrid has arrived! Looks like her parents. Special effects crew did a good job.

The storm still going. Hope tells Ric to get Kaleb back to school. There's nothing that's going to be safe here. There is no monster like me. She magically tosses Malivore, then speeds forward and hits him. He runs. She says you haven't even seen my wolf form, yet.

Lizzie trying to do compressions on Ethan. Figures there's one boy that lifes me and I kill him. MG says there's more than one. She pauses. MG says use your magic and shock his heart. I believe in you, and other things. I always have and I always will. She tries it. Ethan gasps to life.

Josie says I told you this was complicated. Finch isn't impressed. I'm not afraid of you. And I'm into Josie just like she is. Josie says this is the way she is. Finch says you're not the only one with a dark side. I used to hide it. Josie taught me there is a place for all of me. This place. Dark Josie says I am Josie. Finch says you can't be. Not while one side is trying to take over the other. I did. All you have to do is love it. Finch doesn't give up. Kisses Josie and she casts the darkness aside. Now let's bring Cleo and Landon back, too.

Malivore found by the wolf. Hope appears. That's the full tribrid tour. We can finally end this. She bites her arm and turns her blood into a weapon. Any last words? His eyes darken.

Cleo made the door. Asks Landon if he's alright? He asks where does it take us? Back to our world. He says where I'm not in control of my body. She says his consciousness and Malivore's will be separated. Hopefully we get you back to your body one day.

Hope's about to stab Malivore when the body says "Hope?" She hesitantly asks "Landon?"

I bet you say that to all the Landons. She needs more proof. Kisses him. I can't believe you're here. He says I can't stay. I'm so happy I got to see you, kiss you, breathe the same air as you. I'm in control at the moment and I have access to all of Malivore's memories. I know you're the Tribrid. You have to kill me.

Cleo tossed aside. Malivore says I will never let you go. He opens the door and steps into light. That fades. He's surrounded by rock. She closes the door. This is not a door. It is your coffin, Malivore!

Squad discusses what to do next. Josie has a drawing of Cleo's mother. They're in a circle. Siphons from all of them and chants.

Hope says I can't do this. I made that to kill Malivore! I can't do it if I have to look into your eyes for it! Landon says this won't last. I'm still his puppet. Fate wants to tear us apart. At least together, we win. Moral victory, at least. She's going to miss the way he makes her laugh. He'll miss all of it. Wouldn't trade a second. She loves him. Always will. He loves her. Forever. They kiss and he's stabbed.

Malivore says your traps never hold me long. And when I escape, I will search for the weapon you told me about. Fire is coming. What magic is this? Cleo is grabbed. It's a squad thing. Malivore is consumed!

Hope's weapon is fire that burns into the hole it made. Landon's body falls. Hope walks away. Her expression goes blank.

Josie opens her eyes. Well? Did it work? Wade says yeah, Jo. Cleo's back! Group hug. Badass! What about Landon?

Ferryman and Ted. He stole a coin and it won't take it. Ted appeals for sympathy. Tosses the coin and Malivore or Landon catches it. Ted says cheer up, my former foe. We've gotten out of worse.

MG calls Lizzie a hero. She says a guy I liked was in serious danger. Ethan arrives with 2 beers. You two saved my life. That makes us more than even. I bet your dad has a ton of booze at the Salvatore school. Should head there, anyway. Why? Ethan wants to enroll. Lizzie takes a can and drinks.

Finch and Josie. The Merge does scare Finch. Jo says we should talk about that in the morning. Magically closes the door. Then they start undressing on the way to the bed. Finch's eyes light up when they kiss. Fireworks go off over the circle.

Kaleb in the cage. Ric says safety first. How are you feeling? Kaleb says like my old self. For real. But he's still part dragon. That's unexpected. Ric says all the locals are back to normal. No one remembers anything. It's over. Landon? Ric shakes his head. Damn. Kaleb doesn't know what he was thinking. Ric says love makes us do stupid things. Story of my life. Cleo says mine, too. He hands the keys to her and leaves her with Kaleb. She'll tell him how she's back on their date. If you are willing, I'd like to say a prayer for Landon.

Hope in the town square. Ric is sorry he's late. Had to make sure everyone was safe. I'm glad you called. Hope says you asked me not to. He says why? She says they'll come once they know. She thought she was prepared to kill Landon. Ric says your grandmother turned me into a vampire once. I know how it feels. She asks why didn't you turn it off? He says it's never the answer. She says isn't it? He's dismayed. She says My humanity flipped the second that sword went through Landon. No more grief and yo-yo of emotions I'm finally free. So don't try to talk me out of it. I'm not coming back. She called him here to send a message. He says they won't listen. She says I'll make it loud and clear. And vamps.

Next ep - Police come to talk to Ric's daughters. I have some bad news. Lizzie says she would kill Hope if she was here. Squad has to deal with what's next. Aunt Rebekah finds Hope.



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