
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

#TheFlash 9.13 - “A New World, Part Four” live blog recap #TheFlashFinalSeason #Arrowverse #TheFlashFinale

“A New World, Part Four”
THE FINAL RUN – The Flash (Grant Gustin), the fastest man alive, is tasked with his greatest challenge yet: to save the timeline and save existence. Friends old and new gather for an epic battle to save Central City one last time. The episode was written by Eric Wallace & Sam Chalsen and directed by Vanessa Parise (#913). Original airdate 5/24/2023.

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Image credit: The CW

Episode 13, the series finale:

Barry voiceover. 

Team Flash hears Barry. He's racing back to the hospital. No tempral fracturing yet. It's already started in 2049.

WHOA, look who's back. Flash villains meeting in the red zone. threatening each other. Neither knows why they're here. Reverse Flash comes downstairs. Welcome to the Negative Speed Force, fellas. Thawne is his usual self, mocking the others. Tony Todd is the voice os Zoom. Savitar arrives. Eddie walks in. The dumbest branch on my family tree. Eddie tells them they died. You all died. turns out, none of you were powerful enough or fast enough to defeat the Flash. But together, we can do what you couldn't do on your own. Reverse asks how. Eddie says like this. And suits up. Cobalt Blue is born. Now who's in? Thawne grins.

A New World, Part 4: The Finale.

Iris still in labor. Barry comes in and hugs her. Contractions 2 minutes apart. About an hour. Cobalt Blue appears with blue roses. I came to say congrats. Puts them in water. Barry tries to appeal to him. But Eddie wants to make a timeline where he's the hero. Iris asks why the negative force wants to help him? Barry says it doesn't. Iris says you're a good man. Let us help you. But Eddie's not interested. Iris tells Barry - Run, Barry. Run!

They head out into the city and Flash is sent flying. Nora arrives. Cecille called. And Team Flash is here. Barry says you can't beat us all. Eddie says you have your team.....and opens portals for the villains. I've got a whole legion. Barry's face says a lot.

**will Khione the goddess be the defeating effort here? Past Teams Flash had to work against all those speedsters. And Cecille has also leveled up since then, too. Mark, you might want to zip your jacket. Every bit of protection is needed.

Thawne says you didn't think I'd miss how this all turns out, did ya? The villains taunt. Barry tells the team to execute delta maneuvers. The fight is on across the city. Savitar stabs Nora. But she breaks the stake and stabs him with it. Shway.

Virtue against August. He replicates. Cecille is take them all out. He says he's the one true god of speed. She gives him a headache and makes him pass out.

Chuck at home base. Thawne says he loves what you've done with the place. We'll stop you. Maybe. Maybe not. Thawne attacks him with lightning. After I kill you, I'm going to kill your boss. Barry Allen's life is Mine! To take. And so is yours. He's frying Chuck. Then blasted by Allegra. She rushes to Chuck. But he's not responding.

Khione alerted CCPD to Zoom in the tunnel. Knione says no one dies tonight. Zoom comes at them.

Jitters gets Cobalt Blue and Flash.

Zoom sends lightning and Khione absords all of it, then sends it back at him. He's out. She just Yoda-d that.

Thawne gloating. I get to kill you wearing the face of your old mentor Nash. Allegra blasts him with light. She tries to wake Chuck still. Weeps over him. Then he gasps! You came back to me. Always. They kiss.

Jay Garret takes speed from Cobalt Blue. Picked up from his Earth 90 doppelganger. Hey, kid. Eddie takes the speedsters into himself. Flashes keep back. Eddie disappears after he's sucked in the villians.

The red lightning in the sky. Jay says he'll go to the source. He'll overload and kill himself. Barry says just like Thawne.

How do we stop Eddie? To let him destroy himself. Barry won't let Eddie die again. I'm trying to save the timeline and Eddie's life! Jay says that may be impossible. Barry says it can't be. Khione can get him in the Neg, but what happens there? Barry thinks balance of the forces mean an endless battle. Barry wants a better world for his family, for everyone, but he doesn't know how to do it. KHione has another way. Nature is about more than balance. It's about coexistence. Mutual trust. Barry says the last avatar I faced, I stopped fighting. Thawne didn't. It's impossible. She says you need to believe in the impossible. It's the only way to create a better world.

Eddie in the apartment sucking up energy. Barry tackles him. What have you done? Barry tells him the Neg will kill you. You have to let it go. You can't survive it! Eddie doesn't believe him. I hate you! He slugs Barry. I saved everyone. You know why? He hits Barry again. Barry bleeding. Barry says you've become the person you died trying to stop. Neg keeps talking in Eddie's head. You have to fight! Both sides working together. Eddie remembers telling Iris he wanted to be her hero. He rips the crystal off. Stomps it. The light changes. Blue instead of red. From one avatar to another, doesn't mean we'll always see eye to eye. We're still on oppsite sides. Barry knows. Offers his hand. Together, we'll find a way. Eddie says tell Iris I'm happy for her.

Back at the hospital. Hello, Daddy. You're just in time. Nora's coming. Iris is doing her breathing.

Jay's confirmed it. Red lightning is gone. Barry has once again saved the world. Chuck on the couch. Mark knows why he's fine. When his consciousness bonded with that black hole, he kept some energy. I'm a CHUNK? I'm a CHUCK! Am I going to be a superhero now? Cecille says baby's coming.

Family in the hospital. Joe's impatient. Nora with them. I'm about to be born on the other side of that wall. LOL

Wells appears to Khione! The Neg force threat is gone. it's time for you to ascend. She needs to say goodbye. But saying goodbye is hard. Even for a time traveler. He says what matters is carrying a piece of them wherever and whenever you go.

Barry and Iris in delivery. She's pushing. Baby cries. Nora's here. Handed to her parents. Who can't be happier.

Joe holding Nora. Sitting with Iris. You're not my baby girl anymore. She says she always will be. Nora cries. He starts singing to her. Montage of Barry and Iris' life. Their love. Nora's calm.

Flash HQ. Khione saying her goodbyes. Chuck promises to take care of her plants. She tells Barry it's been the honor of a lifetime. Cecille tells her she's family now. Take care of yourself. Mark's crying. Thank you for never giving up on me. They hug. Where are you going to go? She says nothing ever dies. We rise from dirt and we return to dirt. The natural order of things. Now my time in this mortal body is done. Keep flourishing. Remember, I will always be with you. She flows out as the elements of nature. Blinding light. Caitlyn! Hi, guys. How? Khione used her gifts and returned Caitlyn to her rightful place. With her family. She hugs Barry. I never thought I'd see you again. I know, but I'm home. Then hugs the others.

**It's a bummer there was no time for Cisco to appear this season.

Music one week later. Party at the apartment. Joe serving up food. Wells is still here. Caitlyn on the phone with her mom. Mark missed her. Barry says we all did. About how we left things....I'm so sorry. She says don't be. Frost's love, her legacy, I'll carry that always. What I was doing was unnatural. Come meet Nora. I can't wait. Nora holds her baby self. Barry says even for us, this is trippy. Iris is glad they're here. Nora says wait for Bart's due date. LOL. Joe calls a toast. This has been a hell of a week. Our new mother here gave birth to a healthy baby girl and won a Pulitzer, too. Joe calls Cecille up. Babe, I've watched you take on a second career, become a superhero, and be the best mother Jenna could have. We will always keep loving each other. Which is why now....I'd like to do this. ring box! Cecille grabs a pillow and tosses it on the floor. Cecille Horton, will you marry me? Yes! I mean, finally! Now more congratulations.

Kid books. Nora is crying. Iris tells Barry to try talking to her. Purple and yellow crib. Want to hear a story? I need you to stop crying. And I need you to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. Your dad is fast. Faster than the speed of sound. And the faster I go, the more the world slows down. But it wasn't always easy. When I was a kid, I lost the people I cared about most. But I won't let that happen to you. So we need to do something impossible.

Barry flings his lightning out to choose new speedsters! Avery Hall. Max Mercury. Jess Chambers.

Maybe if we share a piece of ourselves, we can break out of our cycle of violence and pain. Create a new world for you, Nora. A better one. Where we can coexist together. Where nothing is impossible, as long as we believe in it.

Entertainment Weekly has done a lot of posts leading up to tonight's finale:

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