
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

#StateOfAffairs Season Finale Recap

State of Affairs - Season Finale

Season 1, Episode 13: Deadcheck

Charlie quits the CIA to track down Omar Fatah; the seventh floor team vows to help Charlie.

Charlie dreaming of Nick. And Fatah. She wakes in Ray's hospital room. Bellerophon is over, sir. nick is gone. There was no Sheik Hakam. Fatah invented him and fooled us all. Kurt is still in TKG. Is Fatah dead? Dawkins is on the ground now. She doesn't think there's a body to find. POTUS is waiting for confirmation. He says she has to know. Charlie is resigning. Because of what I need to do next. He says no one ever died for a flag. They die fighting for the people they love.

Charlie wants to talk to POTUS now alone. But she's in a press conference. President is announcing that Hakam and Fatah are dead.

Charlie tells the President in private. Fatah manipulated us. President says I just lied to 323 million Americans. What do we do now? Charlie says I need to finish this thing with Fatah myself. I can find him and I can kill him. President writes a note and gives Charlie the number. Only 3 people have this - my husband, the head of the NSA, and you. Call me when it's done. Yes, ma'am. Let's end this.

Woman at a bar has an Ar Rissalah tattoo on her wrist. Guy she's talking to notices it. Orders another drink for him.

Sid and Charlie. He says you're playing hunches. You're going to die. She says don't be so grim. He gives her equipment. Kisses her head. Says watch your six.

President wants Burke jailed. David says this is a bad idea. Push this and you'll be impeached. She says we haven't won this fight, yet.

The team discusses Charlie. They don't know why Charlie left. Maureen says we need to find the vests.

Kurt and Ray talking at the hospital. TKG is protecting Fatah. Where's the next great threat? Ar Rissalah. Ray tells him to stay in and get me info real time. Charlie is wading into deep water and I'll be damned if we let her drown.

Mr. Gantry meets with Madame President. Shows her a video of Fatah. She says turn this over to the CIA. He says he can't. She says she wasn't asking. He says this is private property. Free enterprise. He'd like to have a very pointed conversation with her.

Charlie on the ground.

Gantry says Hakam was a straw man and Fatah is probably still alive. She says you wouldn't be trying to extort the President, would you? He says never. But a 3rd party such as ours can be effective beyond the burden of bureaucracy. he's asking for a hunting license.

Minneapolis. The man from the bar wakes and there's a bomb vest on him. He freaks and tries to pull the vest off. It explodes. Was that supposed to be the Mall of America? It's there and would definitely create huge casualties. That redhead with the tattoo drugged him and put him on a mall bench!

CIA. They're on the case of this explosion. Task force is moving on the woman's address. She has hung herself. Maureen and co. thinking over the terrorists. Charlie's on a secure line. Maureen tells her about the explosion. Charlie tells her about Sheik Hakam. Fatah is Ar Rissalah. You have data to track Fatah to Afghanistan. He'll keep building the legend. Have Dash go into my office and look at all my files on this.

They talk to the boy, the terrorist in the hospital. Al and Enid.

Marshall wants to leave the White House. He's going to the Bay Area. She calls him an arm chair critic. He says it's too much for him. I don't have the stomach for this. She says yes, this is not the time for the faint of heart. He's going back to the ranch. Says he's sorry and she has his heart, but...

Charlie talking to women. And then to the team again. Assume everything Ar Rissalah has done is personal. Why 2 cities close together in Texas? Charlie fires up her laptop and sees what they see. They say there are too many Al and Enid to find. Charlie says it's constellations! Fatah is using the Pegasus as a map. That's where the bombs will be.

A park? Children playing. A man sits in a jacket.

Charlie says focus on major pop. centers. Dash sends her stuff. Charlie says I powered down. Too many eyes.

David asks The President about the press conference and Victor Gantry. She says Gantry knows Hakam wasn't real. TKG wants to be hired to hunt down the worst. David says you can't trust them.

Charlie in private. Thinking. Remembers Nick telling her things. Fatah's just giving us scraps. He says he's looking out for her, because he loves her, and I've gotcha and I'll see you before you know I'm there.

Man calls 911 and says I can't kill kids. Says there are 2 bombs in a dumpster.

Team got 2 vests.

Burke and David chatting. Green was compromised by TKG. No one is above betrayal, David. David says you're laying out Kyle Green with that photo. He doesn't want this to blow up in the President's face. Burke agrees she doesn't need more enemies, but eyes forward, David. Who do you want to be standing with next year?

Charlie out in the country. She calls Nick's phone to hear his voice. Dials it over and over. She doesn't know what to do.

Kurt at work. He asks when Victor will be back. Whenever he wants.

Charlie and Maureen talking. Fatah is probably hiding in the Kush. Charlie requests sat images.

Kurt breaks into the server room. Hacker girl arrives in the building. Uh oh. Kurt, hurry up! He's out and in the stairwell. Hacker girl has a gun and is chasing after him. Kurt runs into Victor in the parking lot. What'd you take, Kurt? I know you're still CIA. We made you a mark because you were easy. Kurt says he wants to play poker with him. Victor says this game is going to be much more exciting. Kurt says I don't think you have the reach. Victor says let's not spoil the surprise.

Charlie looks over a camp. She calls the President. I'm close, Ma'am. Nearly there. What do you need?'s just odd. She never wanted to lose that sense of Aaron close by. I feel it now, strong as ever. President says he'll help you finish this. Charlie says you'll hear from me again, Constance.

Teams moving on the vests. Multiple states. A man is wearing is in Spokane. Teams get ALL the vests. Maureen says we're not done, yet. Charlie is still out there.

David brings a report to Madame President. As a final gift. He leaves his letter of resignation. He says we wanted to give the people someone that had served this country. We weathered a hell of a storm and it's been my distinct pleasure to serve this administration, but you should have someone that's like-minded and after a lot of soul searching I don't think that's me.

Kurt comes back to the CIA. Dash shakes his hand. Kurt takes his tie off. Brought logs of TKG. Maureen tells him Charlie's out there solo. Kurt says he's glad to be back.

Charlie approaches the camp armed. She sets up an SUV to burn and blow. Fire fight!! And now there's a sniper helping her. Charlie yells warnings to the civilians. And she comes face to face with Fatah. You're gonna shoot me now? Go ahead. She says you gave me a handful of sand. You used us to rid you of your enemies. Who was the man you identified as Hakam? He says what does it matter? We got what we wanted. She says because he's you, Omar. He always was.

Victor and the President meeting again. He says our hands, Madame, are equally unclean. He offers her his services again. And Fatah still roams free. She says she has options. He says very limited options, if you're referring to Charleston Tucker. He offers Fatah's exact location this second.

Charlie brings up the Kabul attack. He says America will never open its mind to Islam. you see only killers. She says I saw the best of you, the man. He calls it lies. Women and children running from your guns. We don't need you. We're done. She says it's easy if you believe that. I trusted you and you gave me nothing in return! Now people I loved are dead because of you! So one will act when one can act. She shoots him twice in the chest. And become a liberator. Then in the head. Calls the President's phone and there's no answer. There's a jeep coming. Who's in it? Planes!! Charlie run!!

Argh, cliffhanger!

Here's what Joe Carnahan has to say about it.

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