
Saturday, January 30, 2016

#Grimm episode 5.7 - "Eve of Destruction" #LongLiveEveOrJuliette

Eve of Destruction

Not everything is as it seems after "Juliette's'' return; Monroe and Rosalee look for answers regarding increased Wesen violence; Trubel has information for Nick.

Image credit: NBC

NICK IS ON THE HUNT FOR THE TRUTH AFTER A SHOCKING REVELATION AND THE WESEN UPRISING ESCALATES - JACQUELINE TOBONI AND DAMIEN PUCKLER GUEST STAR - Nick (David Giuntoli) and the gang are still reeling from the scope of the ambush and the surprise return of "Juliette" (Bitsie Tulloch), but not everything is as it seems. In light of the heightened Wesen violence, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) seek answers from the Wesen Council. Meanwhile, Trubel (guest star Jacqueline Toboni) has some information for Nick that will help him get what he is looking for. Russell Hornsby, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee, and Claire Coffee also star.

Ep 7:

Nick runs after Juliette. No one outside. He says I know it was her. The other's are doubtful. He knows what he saw. He's going to talk to Trubel. Hank's phone. Rosalee. We're all okay. Monroe asks if she's alright. Yes. Sean says we need to talk to Xavier. Monroe says take him to the Spice Shop.

Trubel asleep. Nick comes home. She drops her knife. He says I just saw Juliette. Tell me the truth! Trubel says no, not for sure. I didn't know she'd survive what they'd do. Break her. Adalind comes in. Chavez wanted to use Juliette as a weapon.

Flashback. Trubel tried to keep them from taking Juliette.

They sent me on assignment that night. In Bangkok, I heard rumors. Nick says she took out 20 Wesen that tried to kill me. Adalind says Meisner might know. Trubel says she's right. Chavez's phone.

monroe punches Xavier. Sean picks him up. Who set us up. Xavier says all Wesen must join or be killed. it's happening now. It's a revolution! There's no stopping them.

Meisner and Nick on the phone. Meisner says she doesn't exist anymore. Give me time. Adalind asks what that means?

Still interrogating Xavier. He says because I know Monroe. They asked questions about the Grimm. They were going to kill me! He wogues. Wow, that's ugly. Hank wonders what we do with him? Sean says put him in police protection. Xavier apologizes to Monroe. Hank and Sean leave with him. Monroe and Rosalee decide to call the Council.

Wu has IDs on the bodies from the factory. Nick calls Hank. You okay? Not exactly. hank says Billy got away. Nick wants to meet up.

He tells Trubel and Adalind to stay put.

Police got to Billy's. Bust in. Hank goes upstairs. Nick finds explosives. Wu looks at a photo. Sean says put 24 hour surveillance on the place. Wu shows them a photo of Billy with her parents.

The warehouse. Bodies still there. Hey, that's Bailey Chase. Billy is there. She tells Lucien that the Hexenbiest killed them all. I'm sorry. I failed. He says it's just one battle and our army is growing. We will honor our dead, then find the bitch who did this. He hugs her.

Monroe pacing. Rosalee says you're making me nervous. She calls the Council. Tells them it's an emergency. Now they wait for a call back. Monroe says when we were ambushed, we got out alive because somebody saved us. Juliette. What? She's alive. Her hair is really blonde, but.....we all saw her. For a second, but.... Juliette's Alive? OMG, how? He says Nick's trying to figure it out.

Wesen Council Meeting in The Hague. See what Rosalee wants.

Monroe says Juliette was the only one out there when we got out. Alexander calls her. She tells him about the attacks on the shop, and the mark. 4 lines. Black Claw. They kill Wesen that refuse to join. Alexander says it's being addressed. I'll get back to you. He hangs up.

Nick gets home. Monroe calls. Council knows about Black Claw. Rosalee asks about Juliette. Yeah. He says tell me when you hear from the Council. Nick asks Trubel about Black Claw. She says they're not afraid of dying for what they believe in. She's run into them 2 times elsewhere. Nick tells her to get some sleep.

Adalind puts the baby down. Nick walks in. I won't let Juliette hurt you. Adalind says what if she's like the old Juliette and wants you back? He says it doesn't change how I feel about Kelly or you. Sure? I'm sure. Gag.......

Council meeting. Discussing Black Claw. This threatens all of us and can't be tolerated. We need to take a vote. We are at war. All in favor? One says no. Wogues. Starts shooting!!! Kills them all.

Nick hears a sound. God, it's gross that he shares a bed with Adalind. He sees Trubel leave on her motorcycle.

She goes to a building, and underground passage. Meisner says you can't be here. They fight. But he's blocking her moves, not hurting her. What did you do to her? He says What we had to!

Morning. Nick and Adalind at home. He pours coffee. No Trubel. Adalind wishes there was something she could do to help. Wish this baby had been our choice. He says he had a chance for a normal life with Juliette when you stopped me from being a Grimm. We didn't take it. Adalind wishes she could take back everything. Except for Kelly. She leans in and kisses him. EWWWWWWWW. She says that was so not a good thing to do. They've been thinking about it? EWWWWWWW. She says we should make sure it is about us, not..... Trubel comes back. Where've you been? Trubel says you're going to see Juliette today. Meisner will contact you. It'll be in a public place.

Hank calls Nick. Billy's parents live in West Linn.

Trubel is tired and hungry, so she's staying.

Lucien speaking over the dead. They gave their lives for something that will change centuries of fear and oppression and humiliation. The days of hiding are over. The nights of vengeance have just begun. Xavier will pay for what he did. Lucien whispers something to Jed.

Nick and Hank get to the house. Nice house and cars. Billy is wanted, an arrest warrant out for her. They last heard from her 2-3 weeks ago. Nick shows them the claw symbol. They wogue. Nick says if you know about Black Claw, you need to tell us. They refuse to talk more. They're proud of Billy. Get off our property. We're done talking, Grimm.

Jail. Jed in a cell next to Xavier. UH OH

Monroe gets a call. Alexander says the Council is all dead. I barely made it out. I shouldn't have called you, help will be coming. There's a gunshot. He hung up. Alexander got out the window.

Jed rants in the cell. Takes off his shirt to hang himself, then grabs Xavier when he's close.

Hank and Nick update Sean. Wu says we got an attack in the jail.

Guard freaks out seeing Jed's form. Jed shot. He uses his blood to make the claw on the wall. Xavier's throat was ripped out.

Sean says this was a hit. We have to assume we've been compromised. Monroe calls and says get to the shop as soon as you can. We can't talk about this on the phone.

Meisner remembers delivering Adalind's first baby. Someone knocks. Found a guy.

Hank and Nick get to the Shop. Rosalee tells them that the Council is gone. Alexander is on the run. Nick says Xavier's dead. He was killed by a coyotl who wogued in from of the guard. Nick gets a text for the meeting. I have to go. They don't want him to go alone. Monroe says who knows why she killed all those people. Nick says I need to know, I need to bury her one way or another.

Restaurant. Nick crosses the street and enters. Nice place. Elegant music. He looks for her. She's in the back with a white wig.

Nick nears her. Looks shocked. I thought you were dead. He sits. She hasn't blinked, yet. He calls her Juliette. She says they call me Eve. Why? Because I'm starting over. It wasn't easy. Nick says knowing that you set me up and yo set up my mother. Are you going to pretend like you don't remember? She says she remembers everything. I would've killed you. He says the night is young. He asks what they did? She says what they had to. Chavez?

Meisner tells her she's dead but you don't have to stay that way. It's going to be difficult to speak for a while. She tries to hurt him and he slaps her. You will learn to focus that rage.

She says they saved me and I saved you. Nick asks why? She says they need you. For what? She grabs her coat and gets up. Puts it on, her hood over her head, and follows a man. Wogues and gives him a splitting headache. He wogues and dies. Nick fights his bodyguards. People around them are running away and screaming. Sirens coming. Eve is gone. Nick goes out to the officers. Shows his badge and tells them what happened. I was meeting a CI. Phone rings. Meisner says it went well? The man was one of the organizers of Black Claw. It was a test. I'll be in touch. Sorry about the mess.

Nick goes home. They ask if he saw Juliette. No. I met Eve. Who? I have no idea.

Eve in her cage again. Meisner says get some rest. You'll need it. She takes the wig off and lets her hair down. Goes in her cell.

Next week - A water monster. And Meisner needs Nick's help.

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