
Friday, March 4, 2016

#Grimm episode 5.11 - "Key Move"

"Key Move"

A TRIP OVERSEAS WILL TAKE NICK AND MONROE ON A DANGEROUS JOURNEY – BAILEY CHASE, JACQUELINE TOBONI, AND DAMIEN PUCKLER GUEST STAR – Newly gained artifacts take Nick (David Giuntoli) and Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) closer to the source of a long-gestating mystery. Elsewhere, Black Claw makes a deadly move that will send Portland into disarray. Bitsie Tulloch, Russell Hornsby, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee, Bree Turner, and Claire Coffee also star.

Episode 11:

The team discussing the map. Nick wonders what isn't obvious?

Sean in the car. Campaign woman gets in. Sean has a flash drive of evidence against the opponent. She asks how he got it? He says don't worry about it. She isn't tired.....

Team coming up empty. Maybe we need the other keys. Monroe says you don't make these keys for fun. This took a lot of work. Nick remembers his mother telling him about the keys and the map and Constantinople's wealth. 7 Grimm knights make a map. Hank says maybe the rivers are an X. Monroe says they can change course over time. Trubel says maybe they buried it in a church. Monroe's been looking at churches for 3 hours. There are 7 churches possible. Nick says all the churches have steeples except one with a cross. No, it's an X. They hid it in plain sight.

Monroe is excited. Church was the safe place for knights. We have to find it. Can't stop now. I'm coming with you. Trubel says what if Black Claw knows about the trunk? Monroe says we should go sooner than later. Trubel says you can't travel under your real names. Rosalee knows someone that can do fake passports. Nick will tell Adalind the truth.

She says these Keys lead to death. It's a fantasy. Nick owes it to his aunt to go. Adalind says I do, too. Nick says Monroe is going with me. Rosalee will stay with you. he's leaving tomorrow. I know you're worried. She says what if it's evil? Nick says they would've destroyed it. Buried it. She knows she can't keep him from going, and there's a chance you won't come back. She kisses him. Eww. Starts unbuttoning his shirt. I love you. She kisses him again. EWW. He takes his shirt off. And hers. They're on the bed. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwww

HW HQ. Discussing why a bad man is here. Everywhere he goes, people die.

Black Claw. Target has to be shot. Can't look Wesen. Lucien greets the assassin. Rifle is what he asked for. He puts it together. I don't need a scope. One box of bullets. He only needs one bullet. He aims out the window and shoots the basketball below. It'll do.

Nick laying awake. Morning. She's asleep. Nick remembering taking Adalind's powers. She wakes. You okay? He says yeah. Really? Are you? She says everything is complicated, but last night, that all went away. At least for a little while. Trubel calls.

Shows Nick info on the assassin. We haven't been able to find him. Wanted to let you know. Phone call. Rosalee. Wu got them a flight. They have the passports. Nick will be there soon.

Precinct. Telling Sean about the assassin. Put out an APB, strictly a find and follow. Nick says he'll be away a couple days. Sean says okay.

Wu asks what's the charge? murder suspect. Keep it local. Hank says be careful. Nick agrees.

Nick packing. Kelly babbling. Take care of Mommy while I'm gone. He kisses the baby. Adalind says you better come back. I don't want to explain why you didn't. They hug. He leaves.

Nick arrives at the house. Rosalee says 3 churches are Catholic. Monroe says it has to be Catholic. The other churches are way too young. Nick says the passport looks really good. He leaves them to say goodbye. She tells Monroe to be damn careful. He will. I love you. He kisses her. He leaves.

Assassin checking out the campaign rally spot for Andrew Dixon. He wogues and looks up at a man on a balcony. Cop on a bike spots him. Partner says don't engage. She calls it in.

Wu and Hank on the way to the park.

Bike cop follows the assassin. Loses sight of him. Then heads toward an open door. Shines a flashlight. He's attacked.

Germany. Nick and Monroe land in Stuttgart. monroe hasn't been in the Black Forest since he was 25. His family hunted here for hundreds of years. Heh.

Eve has something. Cop attacked. Dead? No. Assault. Let's figure out where he went.

Wu talks to the female partner. He ranted about a monster attacking him. She'd like to check on him at the hospital. Hank says okay. Wu will check surveillance.

Sean at the rally. She says we're up 4 points. He's introducing Dixon. She gives him points to include in his speech. He gets a call. Hank tells him about the assault. Officer saw a monster. Sean says find this guy.

Lucien with the assassin. I should kill you. This is your fault. Lucien says they don't know why you're here. They wogue at each other. Lucien says this has to be done. Sean's photo.

Monroe and Nick. Monroe suggests maybe this is something important then that isn't important now. Like eyeglasses. LOL. Nick says I slept with Adalind. What? Thought I should tell you. Okay. This time, you knew it was her. Was it different? He says I thought it was Juliette, then it was Juliette, and this time.....I was with the mother of my child, so it was very different. She's changed so much. Monroe agrees. Hope she stays that way. Are you in love with her? Nick doesn't know. Spots the church. Monroe agrees. Make a left. Looks like they went to Germany to film. They get out of the car. Enter the church. Pretty. Monroe says empty churches give him the creeps. If this was built in the 13th century, whatever we're looking for has to be underneath. They find a church mouse. He runs from the Grimm. Father apologizes. Sorry, he frightens easily. You're American, yes? How can I help you? They say they're sightseeing. Church was built in 1594. Monroe says we thought it was older than that. They're looking for something older. Priest says you won't find something from the Crusades here. Enjoy our village.

They discuss when the Americans leave. The Grimm will kill us all.

Monroe says we've obviously made a mistake. Nick says the map is two-dimensional. What if the spot is really the X marking the spot. The cross is on a hill outside the town. Maybe we're not looking for a church. Nick says it's about to get dark. We need a shovel and a couple lanterns. Into the woods we go. They drive away.

The priest is Blutbod.

Assassin works with chemicals. Hair dye. He shaves his beard.

Church. Service ends. Men come to the priest. They're ready to find the Grimm and kill him. Oh dear.

Nick and Monroe in the woods in the dark. What if it's the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail or the Ten Commandments? LOL.

Rally. Assassin looks like a young blond man now. He knocks on an apartment door. Anyone else home? He attacks the man.

Hank and Wu theorizing. Hank says he likes crowds. What's in the area? The park.....the rally is there today. Too late to stop it. I'm calling the Captain. Voice mail. Let's go.

Dixon arrives.

Assassin hid the gun parts in a bicycle.

HW HQ. Eve spots him on video. Meisner says mark his radius. Find out what's happening in that area.

Sean goes to the podium. Addresses the crowd.

Assassin assembling his rifle.

Sean giving his speech about Dixon. Rifle is loaded. Assassin looking down on the stage. Sean introduces Andrew Dixon. Dixon takes the podium. Assassin has a clear shot.

Nick and Monroe in the woods. Monroe says 100,000 German peasants were killed in these woods. They fled into the woods and were slaughtered anyway. Nick tells him to stop. Think we're getting close.

Trubel says there's a rally now. Eve goes. Meisner sends Trubel to Santiago. She's not happy about it.

Wu and Hank arrive at the rally. Look around. Dixon giving his speech. Woman looks at her phone and walks off stage. Hmmmmmm. Assassin prepared. He shoots Dixon. Sean catches him. hank calls the shooting in. All Available Units!

Nick and Monroe reach the top of the hill. Monroe says we're here. Nick says it's a very old X. Monroe spots rocks. Like they're lined up. A pattern? Rectangle. That's not a normal rock. Maybe it's what's left of the church. Pry it up. Monroe sticks the shovel in.

Car reaches their car. Priest wogues and sniffs the scent. This way.

Monroe loosens the stone. Chisel marks. Foundation stone. They fall in a hole.

Continued in Ep 100. Next Friday. They found it! Monroe's excited. Meanwhile, Portland deals with the bad guys.

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