
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

#Arrow 4.22 - "Lost in the Flood"

"Lost in the Flood"

OLIVER FIGHTS FOR THEA; DONNA SMOAK FACES OFF WITH NOAH KUTTLER – Following the shocking events in the previous episode, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) race to rescue Thea (Willa Holland), while Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), Curtis (Echo Kellum), and Noah (guest star Tom Amandes) join together to stop Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). Glen Winter directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#422). Original airdate 5/18/2016.

Episode 22:

Oliver shoots arrows at Darhk and Damian turns them into dust. Spartan shoots and nothing. Damian's super powerful now. Pulling the oxygen out of your bodies molecule by molecule. Then I'm going to regain control of Rubicon. The place falls apart. They run out.

Anarky down and Thea still mourning over Alex. She tries to use her phone. Malcolm arrives. What happened here? Too bad, I liked him for you. Anarky disappeared. Malcolm doesn't believe her. You need a time out.

News about Havenrock. Felicity and Noah. She hugs him. Don't sweetheart me. Curtis arrives. Can't stop watching the news. She introduces her father. Noah thought they could've used a better photo for the wanted poster. Curtis now understands Felicity. Felicity gets a text. I have to go.

Damian in HIVE. Today was supposed to be Christmas and I woke up to a lump of coal. Mr. Seldon is their new hacker. Ruva points out Anarky. She's dealing with him.

Bunker. Quentin watches the news. Oliver and Diggle return. Felicity hugs Oliver. Thanks for not being dead. HIVE has Thea. She traced the message. Right in the heart of the Glades. Oliver tells Quentin to stay put. The city needs someone they'll trust.

Island. Oliver and Taiana. He gets shot. She gets shot A LOT. And doesn't die. Oliver shoots back. Taiana gets power from the idol.

Thea tied to a chair. Malcolm says Genesis is coming. I need your word you won' cause any trouble, or I'll have to assure your compliance with something I really don't want to do. She taunts him. He says this will make everything better. Going to drug her.

Green Arrow and Spartan at the address. Felicity is sure. He says it's an empty street. Quentin says look for something new. Oliver spots sewer access.

Ruve and Malcolm. With her daughter. She's told about the hostiles. Malcolm says Oliver has come for his sister. She says he's your problem. You have a lot on your plate. Get started.

Oliver and Diggle find the underground city. We found the ark.

Felicity lost their signal. Curtis texts her to get back ASAP. Quentin will monitor comms.

Curtis drinking a beer. You poor thing. Donna arrived and they've been bickering this whole time. She's been calling Felicity. Are you okay? Felicity has to tell her something. Donna jumps to her being pregnant, lol. Felicity says the world is under attack and I need Noah to stop it. Noah says this isn't about you, D. Donna asks why you think this is... Because I work with the Green Arrow, Mom. For 3 years. They get back on the computers. Curtis happy to watch history.

The ark. Oliver and Diggle sneaking around. Everyone looks so happy. What's our play? Split up and find Thea.

Ruve on the TV giving a pleasant message to the captives. Oliver finds Alex and Thea's house. She attacks him. I have the intruder. Move and I will kill you.

Thea says don't move. Oliver tries to appeal to her. Malcolm says she's a little drugged at the moment. Oliver says I should've taken your head. Malcolm says we've already established you've not going to kill me. Spartan breaks in. Malcolm and Thea get away. Ghosts chase the heroes. They break into the basement of another house.

Damian wants to know when I get Rubicon back. Hacker says Felicity used to be a lot different.

Oliver and Diggle found again. By a family. We're not going to hurt you. Ruve addresses the people. Do not let them disrupt Genesis. Find them and kill them.

Taiana says she knows what to do now. Oliver says Reiter was insane. She says why. She says she's here to have the strength to free my home. Oliver says there are people here that need help. What would your brother want you to do.

Malcolm tells Ruve that murdering vigilantes isn't what your followers signed up for. She says you better hope they don't find them before you do, or I'll have to question your purpose here.

Curtis suggests overloading Rubicon with a brute force hack. Noah and Donna bicker again. Cooper says your system is now under my control. Once again, you lose. Oh frak in unison, lol.

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Curtis says you really have a complicated romantic history. Cooper quotes Star Trek 6. lol Noah kept tabs on her even though he wasn't in her life. Electricity surges in the apartment.

They zap him back. Blows Cooper out of his chair. Damian is not happy.

Rubicon is offline. Noah congratulates Felicity. Donna goes upstairs.

Oliver and Diggle trapped. Spartan getting aggressive. The man says we haven't taken the pills. We're here because we believe and know the world is beyond saving. We've lived it every day. We were the ones left in the rubble. Damian Darhk has given us hope. Can you say the same?

Island. Soldiers vs. slaves. Taiana carrying the idol. Oliver stops the help an injured man. She says he'll slow us down. His death is inevitable. His death can make me stronger!

Donna folding laundry. Felicity asks what did Noah mean when he said he didn't have much choice when he left. Donna says we disappeared. Felicity says you let me believe he abandoned us. Donna asks I didn't lose you, did I? Felicity says never. Donna apologizes.

Diggle ties up the family. Oliver wonders if Darhk has a point. Why is he giving these people more hope they we ever could? Ghosts invade the house. Diggle tells Oliver to go find Thea.

Thea fights with Oliver again. She gets his bow. He tries to appeal with her to fight through this! No matter how dark or how hopeless, you never give up! I refuse to believe you give up now. So fight!

Spartan and Ghosts exchanging gunfire. Malcolm attacks Spartan. Thea shoots the knife out of his hand. Drug me again and I will kill you! Anarky takes the video feed. Ruve is captive. In 20 minutes, I'm going to kill someone. Be quick about it, because in 21 minutes, I'll blow your underground world into next week, okay?

Malcolm and Thea bicker. Malcolm says Anarky has already tried once to kill everyone down here. Oliver tells the family to go and get people safe. Then tells Malcolm to lead the evacuation. Malcolm says everything above our heads will be a mushroom cloud! Oliver refuses the believe that. I have hope.

Taiana and Oliver argue over killing the man. He says that idol is warping your mind! She kiss the man.

Anarky in the HQ. Hopes he gets it right this time. Ruve says you have no idea the power you're up against. You're planning to destroy the last safe place on the planet. Oliver and Thea arrive. Anarky says this place is powered by dwarf star alloy. it's a little touchy. Oliver says he's not letting Anarky out of here. Anarky sets it on fire. And kills Ruve?

Explosions on the streets.

Team Arrow fights Anarky. Explosions everywhere. Falling cement. Oliver protects the little girl. Anarky runs. Spartan picks up the little girl. Ruve is dying. Save my daughter please, please. Oliver promises. Thea says we need to get out of here now. The place is falling down.

Damian is told about the ark.

Explosions in the city at ground level over the ark.

They reach ground level and it's a crater now. Felicity contacts them. Oliver says we're safe. City's safe......but people still need saving. Still need hope.

Oliver takes the idol. Reiter pulls a gun on them.

Damian and Malcolm. It was Anarky. Ruve? Malcolm says I'm sorry. My daughter? Still getting reports of survivors. Damian i locked out of Rubicon. Malcolm says there would be no place on Earth that is safe. Damian says then let it all burn.

Donna and Noah. She has a request. Leave, and this time, don't come back. You helped her tonight, but we both know it wasn't you. You know who you are. Are you going to tell me you've changed? You've every bit as dangerous as the day I took her from you. If you care about her, you'll walk away. he says she'll be crushed. She says Felicity is strong, she'll survive.

Felicity and Curtis. She tells him that my mom kicked him out. He's a criminal, so.... Curtis says it sounds familiar. The criminal you don't think can change.... You and Oliver. Donna and Noah. Donna comes back in. Noah's going away for a little while. Damian comes in. I need you to do me a favor. Felicity says go to hell. He says I'm going to bring it to us.

next ep - Everything under attack. Oliver tries to rally the city.

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