
Thursday, March 28, 2019

#Legacies 1.16 - “There’s Always A Loophole” live blog #LegaciesFinale

“There’s Always A Loophole”

IT’S HERO TIME — When a group of unwelcome visitors descends upon The Salvatore School, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) leads the charge to keep her friends safe. Meanwhile, MG (Quincy Fouse) uncovers a secret about his mother and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) finds herself in a dire situation. Matthew Davis, Jenny Boyd, and Peyton Alex Smith also star. Mary Lou Bellucci directed the episode written by Brett Matthews (#116). Original airdate 3/28/2019.

Episode 16 - season finale:

MG talking to his Gorgon. She needs to go home. She's darted! His mother also darts him. 
Hope and Raf. His mind won't settle. Josie, Kaleb, and the beta wolf join Hope and Lizzie. Hope says let's load up while we wait for MG. They run into Triad soldiers outside. And magic doesn't work! They have stakes, wolfsbane, other things. Invite us inside. 
Dorian driving Ric. Ric's a little drunk. There's a checkpoint. Sheriff says Wickery Bridge is closed. Someone blew it up!
Triad wants the Chalice of Aramathea. Triad thanks you for your time. 
Clarke takes Landon to a Triad warehouse. Clarke says don't worry about them following us. 
MG takes the dart out of his neck. mom comes over. I can explain. They're underneath the school. Your daylight ring will work once you're past the perimeter. A blood fountain nullifies the school's magic! She tells MG to go. He hugs her. Then darts her with her gun. Heads upstairs.
Hope and twins. Looking for a cellphone. That shelf used to have books on it. Hope finds a cloaked chest. It doesn't matter. We need to find a phone. Lizzie thinks she'll lose the merge. Hope finds the phone. 
Calls Ric. Triad's here. Powers are gone. Chalice of Arithmetic? Dorian doesn't think they have it, but he'd have to check. Ric tells Hope no heroics. Cooperate with Triad so you don't get hurt. He tells Dorian to stay with the car and he heads off.
Bickering in the cell. Hope doesn't know how to get out of this. Lizzie says we didn't wait 10 years to become friends with you for you to not save the day now. MG darts the guard. 
Clarke and Landon. Clarke wondered how far Landon would take this. Landon won't help find the 3rd key. Clarke tells him to check his pocket. Let's find out. Crap. 
MG told them about the blood fountain. Hope will find it. Ten Lizzie will siphon the sludge out of Josie. They tell Hope to go save Landon. We have this. MG tells the twins to stay out of sight until we have the magic back. 
Clarke wants to sit in the chair Lincoln was killed in. He's counting on a monster coming for this. Let the monster toss it in the pit for us.
MG brought into the school. He tells Kaleb and Raf what's up. Remember you're opening play from the Wickery Championship last year? Spread the word.
Clarke doesn't need Landon, but Daddy does. Landon isn't interested in having kids at 17. Clarke says you're just the host. Landon freaks. Clarke says you wanted to be special? You're purpose is to be the meat suit for the most powerful monster to walk the earth. The Headless Horseman rides in! Clarke tosses him the artifact. Landon dives for it. And jumps on the horse. Clarke says dick move, brother. 
Stacked skull blood fountain is creepy. Ric comes in. She has a hole in her jacket. The Malivore mud didn't affect her. Ric turns off the fountain. It's a dark object created by the Travelers. Hope has questions. He'll explain later. Hope says give Josie my blood. She'll explain later. 
Lizzie can't siphon the mud. She and Josie crying. You do not get to be the martyr, that was my job. I'm the broken one. Josie says think of the amazing outfit you'll wear to my funeral. Lizzie sobs that she's sorry she's so awful. Josie says help me up. MG needs us. 
Raf still struggling with the wolf. MG gives the signal. Football in the school. Vamps and witches and wolves taking down Triad. MG says get the kids to the bus. Witches, make it rain. 
Ric confronted by a Triad guard. 
Kids handling Triad well. Twins spell the gun guy with bugs to save MG. Josie's looked better. Raf wants to turn into a wolf if they veil him. They'll never see me coming.
Kaleb confronted by the gun guy. Your chalice isn't here. You lost. Jerk threatens the little kids. 
Headless riding in. 
Ric pleads with the guy to let him get to his injured daughter. Dorian darts the guard. ric says you're getting a raise. 
Cloaked wolf taking down the guards. MG tells Raf to hit the woods until Hope comes back. Gun guy gets turned to stone. Gorgon saved MG. She kisses his cheek. Stay in touch, cutie. 
Ric gets to the room. Lizzie says Daddy this is so bad. He gives the blood to Josie. 
Rounding up Triad soldiers. 
Kaleb wants to send a message. MG says no. They're just scared bullies. Be! Better! You don't need to prove it by killing him. Kaleb gives MG the tire iron. His mother comes over. Apologizes. We were mislead. The artifact was never here. Burr took it to far. He'll never work in the field again. She says Triad is her father's legacy. MG says if this is our family's legacy, we can not be family anymore.
Headless in Triad. Bone whip. Landon tells him he's being used. How do you do that without your seeing eye horse? Headless tosses the dagger. Hope stops it, then brings it to her hand. Landon is super relieved to see her.
Landon knew she'd find him. She says we should add fight training to your course work. Feel free to take notes. 
Lizzie and Josie wondering about Hope. She better get back soon. Josie busted the lock on the red box. It's an Ascendant! And it looks familiar to them. Ric needs to talk to them.
Ric addresses the kids. I failed you. I fell short of keeping your safe, while all of you exceeded every expectation I have of you. You faced ignorant human beings. The methods Triad used were mine. Contingency plans I shared with concerned parents. The dark object was put in place by me in a secret tunnel only I knew about. The only way I can atone is to leave it up to you to decide if I remain as your headmaster. The Honor Council will vote and I will respect your decision. Thank you for making me understand the world my daughters inherit will be in better hands. 
Hope and Headless fighting. He won't die! How do I kill him? Landon says he was defeated by giving him a bride. Kill the head, it's in his cape! Hope grabs the whip and gets in close. The head rolls to Landon. Why is it moist? He tosses it to Hope and she skewers it. Landon says Suck on that, Tim Burton. LOL. He and Hope kiss. She says the truth is I love you. I'm really sorry about all the secrets I kept. I love you, Landon Kirby. He says I love you, too, and I forgive you for anything that needs it. It looked like I was losing when you got here, but that's what Phoenix combat looks like. LOL. They kiss again. Clarke arrives and tosses the artifact in Malivore!
Aren't you going to clap or something? Clarke is dead. Landon has to catch Hope up.
Kaleb says it's all whack. Josie says we're voting on my father. How do you think I feel? Kaleb says we need a majority vote. 
Hope says there's always a loophole. Nature won't allow it. Landon says we're running out of time. Hope has one idea. But you're going to hate it. Kiss me. He didn't hate that at all. She snaps his neck.
Ric's phone rings. He asks where she is. Fort Valley, Georgia. Write it down. I had to kill Landon. He'll come back, don't worry. Even if I don't. Clarke won! He tossed it in the pit, which is Landon's father, by the way. The tribrid. I'm the loophole. Ric says sit tight and wait for me to get there! She says I'm the answer to all of this. I can remember things no one can. Once I toss myself in that pit, no one will remember me. Including you. I spent years wondering why my father sacrificed for me. Now I understand it. You've been through enough. I don't want my friends to miss me, either. You know I'm doing the right thing. This is the part where you tell me you're proud of me. He says you know it. What do you need me to do? She says clean out my room. Burn your files. And Landon's journal. He says you can't ask me to erase you. She trusts him more than anyone. I have to go. Promise you'll do what I said. Promise me! He agrees. I promise. She hangs up. Leaves the phone next to Landon. Clarke gets up. And he's not going to stop her. If you kill the bastard once and for all? be my guest. I'll be rooting for you. She magics him. She can control him! It's a basic mimic spell. Follow the leader. It'sthe only part I'm actually enjoying. Too bad you're so clumsy. They go into Malivore.
Ric burning the file outside. Phots. Rafael howls. 
Josie and Kaleb wonder why they have 5 voting tiles. 
Ric holds the address. Find Landon. 
Landon burns to ash and is reborn. The phone rings. Dr. Saltzman? Landon, I'm on my way. Landon doesn't know what happened. Ric doesn't, either. Who left the note? I have no idea. I'll be there soon as I can. The pit is dry and gone. No more sludge!

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