
Thursday, December 12, 2019

#Legacies 2.8 - "This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent" mid-season finale live blog #vampires #werewolves #witches

"This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent"

IT'S CHRISTMAS IN MYSTIC FALLS - Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) joins forces with an unlikely ally to take down a Christmas monster who's using holiday cheer to infiltrate the Salvatore School. Elsewhere, Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) surprises Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) with news about his family lineage, and Sebastian (guest star Thomas Doherty) accompanies Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) on her latest mission. Kaylee Bryant and Matthew Davis also star. Brett Matthews directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Hannah Rosner (#208). Original airdate 12/12/2019.

Image credit: The CW

Episode 8:

Clarke looks at his reflection. Hope altered him to look like himself. He's in a cell. Clarke wants her to comes to her senses before throwing him in the pit. She says you're in a body that expires at midnight. There's no one to save you. You're going in a grave you dug yourself.

Ric and the kids get snowed on at the high school. Ric says oh boy.

Salvatore School kids playing with snowballs. Kaleb nails Hope. What's going on? He says it's Christmas. She says it's October. He says Christmas is a state of mind, a feeling in the air.

I'm......dreaming of a White.....Christmas. Ric comes to Dorian. Who is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. ric says this has to be a work of a monster. Turn the music off and get your head in the game. Dorian gives him cocoa. And Ric doesn't remember what he worried about.

They're giggly when they reach Hope. He's wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, too. Hope goes to Lizzie. You're still a bitch. Thank God. Everyone in the school is scary happy except us. They all think it's Christmas. The snow doesn't help. Lizzie says this is terrible news. What am I going to wear?? Hope needs her to hit the road. She needs Landon to be safe. Fine. Off to Mordor I go. Josie brings gifts. A peace offering. She's Christmasy. Brought chocolates and cookies. Hope tells Lizzie to run.

Landon gives Rafael a birthday present. He only knows his birthday month, not day. Landon says Josie did a lineage spell. Your parents. Your real parents. Locator spells don't work on dead bodies. They're in North Carolina. Maybe meeting your parents will help you heal. But it's your call.

Carols. Hope tells them to leave or she'll give them another piercing. Kaleb says you need to get in the spirit. She needs to find the monster, then kill it. Kaleb's been asking for one thing every year. This might be the one.

Clarke is miserable. So why would he help her? She says you're the only one around not eating figgy pudding. He asks why she's not? She lost a lot of her family and lost her love of the holidays. She thinks of what she's missing. Clarke has never had a Christmas. You want my help? Let me eat, drink, and be merry for once in my life. Go out with a bang.

Raf dragging his heels. Landon remembered his mom. He's grateful for the chance to meet her. Raf doesn't want to do this. Loses his cool when Landon touches him. Raf can't deal with this right now. But there's a man with a rifle. You boys better come with me.

Write your Christmas wishes, then toss them in the fire. Josie wants the perfect gift for Dad. Clarke is chowing down. Writes a wish. Hope says quit stalling. Clarke says his best guess is the Krampus. The anti-Santa. It seeks out hatred and anger instead of peace and joy. He tosses his wish in the fire. She asks what did he just do. He says be proud. I took a page out of your playbook. I found another loophole.

**Is it that easy?

She spells him in a room and asks what he wished for. Makes him tell. He wished for a savior. The Krampus will rescue me. Good luck getting the school to listen to you. She says leave it to me.

Lizzie with Sebastian in the car. She got the car for her Sweet 16. Is it Damon's car?? She made Sebastian a daylight ring. You're here because you keep me perpetually unjolly. He says I'm here because you fancy me, obviously. She brakes. Saw deer. If you're so hungry, go eat Bambi. Is this a test? You bet your ass it is. He gets out of the car. She says an you failed. Speeds off and leaves him.

Hope tries to get the revelers' attention. Stops the music. I have bad news. A Krampus is heading our way. Kaleb puts the music back on. Hope shorts out the player and the tree and destroys the food. She tells them Santa is not real and you're acting like children. Let's grow the hell back up. Ric says she's right. This was too good to be true. He gives orders. And someone bring me a crossbow.

Landon tells the man we were just lost. He shows them a werewolf cage. He saw Raf's eyes. He was in love with a werewolf. Has her enlistment photo. He met her in Afghanistan. She didn't know what would happen after taking a life. She had all the PTSD signs like a lot of us. Then the first full moon hit. Landon asks what happened? He says Lucia was the bravest soldier I ever knew. Only time I saw her scared was when she was pregnant. She disappeared after that full moon. I searched for her for years. But if a soldier like her doesn't want to be found, she won't be. But there hasn't been a day I stopped thinking of her and our baby. Time to tell me why you're here. You have more than your mother's eyes, Rafael.

Clarke burns his jacket. A spirit.......then Krampus materializes. You have something for me? A sword. No, a curved blade. Clarke wants a trident. Krampus attacks Clarke. Licks the weapon, then tosses it. Then shoots his tongue out to wrap around Clark's throat.

Choking Clarke. Hope throws the weapon into the tongue. Tosses Krampus with magic. I'm Hope and I find the holidays really stressful. Krampus disappears up the chimney. Clarke says my father must have known I was planning to jump into a new body. How can I prove I'm on your side? I'm telling you the truth.

Raf tells his life story to his birth father. Landon says sometimes you have to leave to protect the people you love. Walt understands. Landon steps out. Raf says I think you were right about coming here.

Lizzie pulls up. Hop in, Hobbit. LOL. One more word and it's straight to Mordor.

Krampus comes into a dark room. Josie spells the lights on. The school surrounds it. Kaleb wraps it up with lights. Ric shoots the crossbow. Straight in the heart kills Krampus. Cocoa? Hope asks why this lunacy hasn't stopped? Something is in the sack! Hope tells everyone to stay back.  Santa??? Who wouldn't be merry on this special night? It's the magic of Christmas, Miss Mikaelson. It's the most wonderful time of the year. Santa?

**Did Krampus kidnap Santa? Santa's missing his coat and hat, so maybe. He has the rosy cheeks and white beard and the ho ho ho.

**First time we've had a Christmas episode of the TVD-verse that doesn't take place in December. It's still October in Mystic Falls.

Santa tells Hope that belief makes things real. Ric asks how did you know her name? Santa knows Alaric, too. Thanks all of them for bringing him back. He was trapped unable to spread joy around the world. Krampus gets up. Because of you. Thought I killed that damn thing. Language, Dr. Saltzman. Don't feel bad. A Krampus heart is very small. This is my fight. Ric stops Hope from helping. This is person. Santa tells Krampus You thought you could steal Christmas, did you? Ho....ho... HO

Landon wanted Raf to be in a safe place. Lizzie tells him Hope and Josie will help you face what's next if he comes back to the school. We all will. Sebastian snaps Landon's neck!

Krampus and Santa fight. Santa's fast. And using wrestling moves. How do you think I made it to all those houses in one night. Alaric says You better watch out! Santa flies into the tree. Hope throws Santa the hook. He finally kills Krampus. Ripped the heart out! See? Very small indeed.

**Too fun to make Santa a badass.

Sebastian changing the tire. You are a terrible pilot. He takes his shirt off. Lizzie tells him to put it back on. you shouldn't be at the school. You called my friends a vegetable. They don't like you. No one does. He says except for you, Elizabeth. She doesn't like him. She hates him. You made me think I was crazy. He says perhaps we both are. He hopes his lines are working now. She says it isn't. Tis. Tis not! Tis. She calls him insufferable. But lucky for me there's an aneurysm spell. Put your shirt back on. Whatever.....there's a perfectly good dead phoenix in the trunk. He grabs her throat. You forget I'm dangerous. She tells him to stop talking. She kisses him. He lifts her up. She wraps her legs around his waist. They make out on the hood. Heading to sex.

Hope on the phone with Clarke. He doesn't hate her. Truth spell is still working. Obviously. Snow melted. Krampus dead? Santa killed him. This Christmas was surprisingly violent. Clarke wants to enjoy the last 10 minutes of his life. She'll listen. He's jealous of her. She's screwed up but her friends still love her. He wanted his father to do the same. She says anything can be real if you believe in it enough. Merry Christmas, Hope. Merry Christmas, Clarke. The zombie eyeball spies around a nutcracker.

Raf puts his jacket on. I have to head back to the school and get some help. Walt will drive him. Raf offers to take the first bus out. Stay the night. If you don't mind me crashing. His dad rushes to hug him.

Sebastian says you fancy me very much indeed. She says I fancy sex with you. Jury is out on the rest. He says would more copulation convince you to let me stay? He has nowhere else to go. This world is cruel to those it considers broken. But the Salvatore School is different. The kindest place I've ever been. That's why I want to stay there. If you'll have me.

Ric looking or Dorian and Josie. Santa left this for you. She says that's for you. Really? What do you think it is? It's.....perfect? He opens it. Headmaster plaque! Awwwwwww

Kaleb sees a Corvette. Santa prefers his reindeer to a 75 Vette. Kaleb has wanted one since he was a kid. Santa holds up the keys. Sometimes dreams become true. Merry Christmas, Kaleb. Ho ho ho!

Hope outside alone. Red streak in the air. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas, Hope! Landon is there. Is this the part where you say something? Or run? He says it's both. Wait here. I have to have another conversation first.

hey, Jo. Merry Christmas, I guess. She says it's the happiest and the saddest. He starts with the happy. A person could not ask for a better partner, a better conscious. You're the best person who's had the poor judgment to hang out with me. He lists the things he loves about her. She says you're in love with Hope. But he doesn't regret a single second. You're beautiful and special and perfect. Things shouldn't be this hard. He leaves the room. She weeps.

I thought leaving was the right thing to do, but I was wrong. That's what I came back to say. I love you, Hope Mikaelson. I loved you when I was dead. I think I always will. Is this the part where you say.... She loves him too. I loved you when you didn't know it. In a football uniform. He says only one thing left to say. Look up. Mistletoe. He kisses her.

Town square. Clarke at the hole. Don't worry, Dad. I'll be home for Christmas. Red robe chops his head off! Drops it in. it's the necromancer! I prefer Halloween, myself. The hole seals over.

Next ep - Jan. 16.

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