
Thursday, November 12, 2020

#Supernatural 15.19 - "Inherit The Earth" live blog #SPNFamily #spn #spnfinalseason #supernaturalfinalseason

"Inherit the Earth"

CARRY ON - Everything is on the line as the battle against God (guest star Rob Benedict) continues. A familiar face returns to join the fight. The episode was directed by John Showalter and written by Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner (#1519). Original airdate 11/12/2020.

Image credit: The CW

Episode 19:

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5.

Kyoto, New York City. Everywhere is empty. Cars crashed. Stopped. Dean meets up with Sam and Jack. Hastings, Minnesota. Sam asks if he saw anyone on the way here. No. Dean tells them it was Chuck. Jack asks where's Cas? Dean says he saved me. The Empty took Billie and took Cas. Cas is gone. Sam says this can't be happening. Dean says it is, Sam. I think everyone's gone. Sam calls Jody. Dean tells Jack he's sorry. Sam calling others.

Above Earth.

They enter a diner. Dean stops a beer tap. Sam wonders if they're all that's left. Yeah.

Jack prays to Cas. And all the plants he passes die. He enters the diner. What now? Sam says I did this. We could've given Chuck what he wanted, but I pulled the thread. We tried to rewrite and the whole world paid the price. Jack says you can't just give up. Sam yells What other choice do we have?

Night. Sam and Dean waiting. Chuck shows. Dean says you win. Chuck says I always do. Me being me. Sam says we'll give you what you want. Dean says the whole Cain and Able thing. But first, you put everything back how it was. Sam says we're surrendering. We're giving up. Chuck appreciates the white flag, but too little, too late. I'm kind of enjoying this story now. The two of you and your little lapdog Jack rotting on this lifeless planet knowing it's all because you wouldn't take a knee. Loneliness. Despair. Grief. That's sophisticated. That's deep. It's a page turner.

**That's Hell. Because what is Hell to a human being? The absence of everything. Torture doesn't have to be literal eternal burning. For the human psyche, eternal loneliness is much worse. There's a reason there's supposed to be a limit on solitary confinement in prison.

Jack on his bed.
Sam in the halls.
Dean snoring in the library. Sam wakes him. Dean passed out drunk on the floor.

Jack feeling something. Hearing something? He tells the boys he's feeling something weird. Sensing a presence. There's something out there besides us. Like people? Dean asks how. Jack isn't sure. But he feels it.

They drive to a gas station. Dean finds a dog! He's thrilled to find a living being. Come on, Miracle. Sammy, check it out. Dean's carrying it. He's coming home with us. He puts the dog in the car. You're the best thing that's happened in the past few days. And then it disappears. Chuck waves, then is gone.

Dean ranting in the car after dark. Jack asleep in the back.

They get to a church? Thunder and lightning. Jack says it's in there or very near by. I have no idea what we're walking in to. They enter the sanctuary. Candles lit. Michael says You survived. When the Rapture first began, I took refuge here. I've avoided using powers that might attract his attention. And Adam? Gone. Exterminated by my father like everyone else. Dean says your old man thought it'd be hilarious to watch the 3 of us on an empty planet. Michael read the Bible. He was curious about man's perception of God. He made sure all the angels and prophets burnished God's image on Earth. All seeing, all caring, all knowing God. Jack isn't impressed. Dean says we reached out to you. You ignored us. Michael says that was then. This is now. Tell me what to do.

Back to the bunker. Sam shows him Death's book about God. We hope you can open it. Michael tries to use his power on it and it resists. Nope. Michael says I'm sorry.

Dean and Sam sit. Where does that leave us? Dean says screwed. His phone is ringing! Cas? Dean, I'm here. I'm hurt. Can you let me in. Dean runs to the door. And it's Lucifer at the door! Would you have let me in if I said it was really me? The Empty booted him to find the missing God book and use it on Chuck. You don't want to mess with The Empty. Total B. We're a team again, guys! Dean says that's not happening. Lucifer says if the Empty pulled me off the bench, it's because Team Winchester isn't enough. So he brought Betty. A reaper tied up in chains. He stabs her. Kills her. No, this is the first Reaper to check out since Billie. So....wait for it....wait for it....and... Meet the new Death. Dean unties the gag. She headbutts him. Frees herself. Gets the scythe. Do you have the book? Hand over the book! Slow, aren't they?

They take her to the book. She says not a group project and closes the door.

Lucifer and Michael. Are you seriously thinking about trusting him? Luci gets the bitterness. Michael says I did what I did because it was the right thing to do, not to get God's love. Betty has opened the book and it's in here. All that you want. I know how God ends. You're sure. Of course I'm sure. I'm Death. She reads from it and Lucifer kills her. This is what Pop wanted to get his hands on. I'm sort of the new favorite now. Mickey's a cuck. They fight Luci and lose. He gives Jack the option of joining him. It's the only way you get out of here alive because you're not strong enough to fight me now. Michael appears behind Lucifer. Luci says you don't learn. Michael stabs him. Luci drops the book opened. And flames out and dies. Thanks for the blade.

Dean asks Michael if he's okay. Michael hasn't been in battle for several centuries. Dean is glad he's here. Chuck's getting desperate. Michael is sad Chuck didn't reach out to him. Sam looked at the book. He's going to use the Book of the Damned to figure out the end.

Michael and Dean and Jack in the library. Sam comes in. There's a spell. At a particular place at an exact angle of the sun, but it will find Chuck, and finish him.

They light it up. Blue beams skyward. What happened? What's wrong? Chuck appears. Knocks the boys around. Michael greets him. I appreciate the heads up about all this. Michael says it's always been my destiny to serve you. Chuck says you sided with them. He burns Michael up and kills him. Winchesters stand up. Chuck says we're done. I'm canceling your show. Sam punches him. Chuck says cute and starts killing them. I can get my hands dirty. Starts beating on them. Kicking them. Breaking bones and dislocating joints. Stay down. But they don't. So he keeps hitting them. They keep resisting. Chuck keeps telling them to stay down. Give up. That's enough, guys. Come on. That's enough! They stand. Smile at him. Why? Because you lose. Jack behind Chuck. Hey, Jack. Chuck walks to him. Snaps and nothing happens. Over and over. Jack grabs him and lights up. Glows. Snaps his fingers and the boys are healed. Chuck on the ground. Sam picks up the book. Dean says we won. Chuck says this is how it ends? My book? Sam says see for yourself. It's blank. But only Death could read it. We had to come up with a plan B. But Michael's a Daddy's boy. He was desperate to be the favorite again. We knew he'd feed the spell to you. All that prep work to make Jack a cosmic bomb? He's been sucking up power all over the place. We knew Michael would warn you and you'd show up here. Killing your son. Beating on us. You released God power and made Jack unstoppable. Chuck says this is why you're my favorites. For the first time, I have no idea what happens next. Is this when you kill me? After all I've done to you, to die at the hands of Sam Winchester. At Dean Winchester, the ultimate killer. It's kind of glorious. Dean says sorry, Chuck. They walk past him. See, that's not who I am, not who we are. Jack says it's not his power anymore. Sam says then it's the ending where you're just like us. Dean says you get old and you get sick and you just die. Sam says where no one remembers you. You're just forgotten. They drive away as Chuck pleads for them to wait.

**So, who has expected Jack to become the new God for a long time? Anyone surprised? They had to do something with the one and only Nephilim.

Back into town. Stop the Impala. Alright kid, you think you can pull this off? Jack closes his eyes and thinks with a smile. And the world is populated again. All the cities, towns, and random places. Good song choice. And even Miracle! Dean congratulates Jack. Sam asks what do we call you? Dean says who cares? Sam asks about Amara. She's in Jack. We're in harmony. Sam asks about him coming back to the bunker. Dean says of course. Jack says I'm not coming home. In a way, I'm everywhere. So you're Him. I'm me. But I know what you mean. Sam asks what if we want to see you. Jack says I'm around. In everything. Dean says you can't bail. People have questions and they'll need answers. Jack says the answers are in them. They'll know. Some day. I won't be hands on. Chuck put himself in the story. That was his mistake. But I learned that when people have to be their best, they can be. And that's what to believe in. Goodbye. He turns and walks away from them. And disappears. Sam says see ya, Jack.

Beers at home. Pretty quiet. Dean toasts everyone they lost along the way. Sam says with Chuck not writing our story anymore, we get to write our own. It's just us. Dean says finally free. Pats Sam on the back.

On the road. Montage of seasons of characters and moments. "Running". All the friends. Enemies. Memories. Dean eating. All the humor and goofy moments. And a dusty Impala on the road.

Next week - the series finale after the retrospective special with the actors and crew. See how it all started and watch how it all ends. Bobby says here's to running into your guys on the other side. 


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