
Thursday, June 16, 2022

#Legacies 4.20 - “Just Don’t Be a Stranger, Okay?” live blog recap #legaciesfinale #savelegacies #vampires #werewolves #witches #tribrid #tvd #thevampirediaries #theoriginals

“Just Don’t Be a Stranger, Okay?”
WELCOME HOME – Hope (Danielle Rose Russell), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), MG (Quincy Fouse), Kaleb (Chris Lee), Jed (Ben Levin), Cleo (Omono Okojie), and Alaric (Matthew Davis) reflect on recent events and what comes next for each of them. Hope and Lizzie each find solace from unexpected yet welcome sources. Also starring Aria Shaghasemi and Leo Howard. The episode was written by Julie Plec & Brett Matthews and directed Michael A. Allowitz (#416). Original airdate 6/16/2022.

Image credit: The CW

Series finale:

Memorial outside the school for Ethan. Alaric comes out and watches the kids hug each other, then goes back inside.

Hope has the God Spear in her room. Wade signed for a box from New Orleans. It's Klaus' ashes. Finch brought the box. He funded the school for me so I'd always have a place to call home. I thought I'd scatter them here. finch thought Jo would be back by now. She's not sure what her role is here now. Hope wonders what to do with the spear. It can't be destroyed. If I hide it, I'm the only one who knows where it is. No one should have that power. Especially not a Mikaelson.

Alaric summoned the kids to the hall. I promised to care for you as my own. The Salvatore School was founded to create a safe space for young supernaturals. In reality, it's anything but. Achieving my mission statement has proved impossible. Since I cannot keep my promise, the Salvatore School must close. I have nothing more to say other than I'm sorry.

Ben wakes up. Jed is outside. Still have Ethan's memorial service. Ben hugs him from behind. They've clearly been intimate. Jed says something's off with me. I feel different. Ben is flirty, not reading the moment. Jed says emotionally I've never been better. But physically, something's changed.

Lizzie in her room, packing. MG says are you going to accept this without a fight? She's going to visit Josie. He can come if he wants. He wants her to help convince Ric to change his mind. She agrees with her father.

Hope chews Ric out for this. He says just because something feels good, doesn't make it right. The pain will only get worse. She says maybe we don't need to close. Maybe we just need a headmaster that can handle the pressure.

Cleo is artistically blocked. Kaleb wants her to come home with him if the school closes. Make it your home, too. But you need to know what you're getting into. Warts and all. He wants her to use her powers to see for herself. Please try. I'm willing to open my mind to you, my life to you, but only if you want it. Offers his hands.

The pendant on the urn. Hope opens her witch's cabinet. Sets up a spell. Cuts her hand. Photo of her and Landon.

Landon in the bar. Ethan asks what is this place? Station for lost souls. You are in limbo and recently dead, obviously. But you should be on the boat to Peace in no time. Ethan wants to go back to life. Landon says that's not an option. Nature won't let me do it again. Ethan asks what now? Landon says he just has to figure out what's holding him back. I'll be right here to help you figure it out. Landon disappears.

Because Hope summoned him. You've become incredibly powerful. She heard he's the ferryman now. Come a long way from milkshakes in the square. What do you need, Hope? I need to see my father.

**Joseph already spilled the beans he'll appear. But he's been filming on another show, so don't count on something big.

Landon says that's a big ask. Hope says my father is in Limbo, right? You're the ferryman now. You can find him. Landon realizes he doesn't feel anything. Everything's muted on this plane of existence. Dull. Like a bruise. She says the cost was your humanity. He says I know I love you. The only thing I'm sure of. I want to give this to you. But why your dad? And is it worth me losing another piece. She needs to figure out things, but it's not worth losing Landon. But she will take a hug before he's gone.

Cleo gasps. That bad, huh? She not only saw his past. I believe it was the future. Still bad? She says it was beautiful. Why do you look so scared? Because we're not destined to travel down this path together.

Landon returns to the bar. Ethan listened to the folks while he was gone. Most seemed to have solid breakthroughs. They'll come back to discuss them with you. Ethan learned there's no shame in being the sidekick. He's now okay with being Rescue Kid. Landon needs help tracking somebody down.

MG wants to talk sense into Lizzie and Alaric. Calls them out for running away from their problems instead of facing the challenge of the school because the kids need it. "Like I said - a load of crap."

Lizzie finds Hope, who is frustrated with the day. I had a solid plan B of running away until I got this letter from Josie. You need to read it, because there's something in there for you, too.

Articles of Dissolution for the school. Hope breaks the barrier spell on Ric's office. He bribed Pedro. I overpaid. Hope thanks Ric for helping bring her humanity back. Josie spelled the pendant. Sent it to Hope's family. Hope says she doesn't need it anymore. But you might. Break through all that fear. She leaves.

Landon asks if there's luck. Ethan says word is he already left town. Landon says the only way to contact Peace is to be at Peace, which isn't an option for the ferryman. Unless Ethan changes his mind.

Jed testing wolfsbane. It does nothing. Jed thinks coming back to life reset his curse. He's not a werewolf anymore. Ben asks how he feels about that. Jed says he's changed a lot lately in ways he's really proud of. Maybe this is someone's way of telling me I'm supposed to find out my way without being leader of the pack. Ben says if you're going to be searching for something, consider letting me be part of your quest to find it.

Hope at the lake. It's where I come to think. Cry when I need to. Make out with my boyfriend. I'm just trying to make the right decision, Dad. Give me a sign or something. Landon appears! No luck? He offers his hand.

Lizzie finds MG. Are you ready to say something that won't make me mad? Josie sent Hope her pendant that makes quiet things be heard. I've always had a million voices in my head. When you died, I felt like someone wasn't in my life to help me sort the good from the bad. You're my pendant. He asks where they go from here. Josie's happy in a school in Europe. Lizzie says I would be running from everything else and that's not who I am anymore. So if you want to fight to save this school, I'm your squad. He's happy with that. They kiss. The door opens. Lizzie says go away! Caroline says he's not going anywhere. Mom! Lizzie rushes to hug her. Sorry I suck at vamping. We'll add it to the list of things we'll work on. Won't we, Milton?

**About time! Wish we'd gotten more of Candace over the years, but oh well.....schedules are what they are. We really needed Caroline in the finale of this school, though! She no longer has to worry about the Merge.

Finch cleaning the gym. Jed says you don't have to do that. How's the pack taking the news? She says they're not as emo as the vamps and witches. He says the pack sticks together. He tells her he's leaving with Ben if she says yes to him. If things with the school go the wrong way, you'll be able to keep it together. She says I have to challenge you, right? Sure. But I'm pretty sure you're going to kick my ass. She says you're stronger in other ways, Jed. She hugs him. First one to let go loses.

Hope asks Landon what's with the suspense? He says your dad found Peace. Movie screen is set up. Remember the whole Matrix debate about whether the spoon was actually a spoon? The screen is not a spoon. It's showing Hope's scenes from growing up with her dad. Ethan says greetings from Peace. Hope this works. You were right. It's incredible here. Hope says that's it? Landon says wait for it.... "My dearest Hope. My littlest wolf. My miracle child." It's Klaus! Best way for Joseph to appear without getting to Atlanta. “What a gift to be able to leave you one last message, so please carry it with you in the years to come. I want you to know this: You will make mistakes in your life. That comes with being a Mikaelson. You will go through hard times, for no one with your power always knows how to use it properly. You will find love and you will lose it, for such is the burden of immortality. But the most important thing about your life is that you live it, because you are my peace. And I regret a lot of things, but I don’t regret a single moment I spent with you. I love you so much. Always and forever.” The screen goes dark. Landon's happy he could give this to her.

**Fits Joseph's statement about this happening quickly, secretly, and last minute.
**Less than 20 minutes left to wrap up what they can wrap. Unlike Legends of Tomorrow, at least, that finished filming in December, Legacies got warned in January that The CW may not be able to renew even if they wanted to. The Netflix contract ending really hurt the network, along with the possible sale of part of all of it in the future.

Kaleb brings art supplies to Cleo's room. You don't give up, do you? He wants to inspire her. He won't let some vision put him off the best thing in his life. We fight for the things we love.And he'll pose for her. What'd be more inspiring than all of this....dragon? She's charmed. Kisses him. You're the best man, at least for me. I love you, too, Kaleb, no matter what comes next. They kiss until the paint blows up on the canvas!

Hope tells Ric you can't close the school. It's a place for second chances. To not be perfect. Maybe our mission statement needs to change, along with us. He's been listening to the pendant. It tells me you're right, by the way. You'll keep the school open. Yes......and no.

MG says you're mom freaks me out. Lizzie says I've never had a real boyfriend. She won't make it easy on you. MG asks if it's too late to join Josie? Lizzie says We'd hate Belgium. They lean in to kiss and Ric interrupts them.

Another meeting. Salvatore School won't be closing its doors. Kids cheer and applaud. But I will no longer be your headmaster anymore. Now, I believe, the world must get to know you and your abilities. You deserve to be known. So, with your permission, it'd be my great honor to write the definitive history of the supernaturals I've known. All the tales of those we've loved and lost. Are there any questions? Objections? Wade asks who will be their new headmaster? Ric says don't worry, we're keeping it in the family. Caroline stands on the stairs in back.

**9 minutes left of the TVDU

Boxes in the truck. Hope says thought you weren't leaving until tomorrow. Ric says that's why I'm going now. He's had enough goodbyes. She asks if he'll be okay? He asks are you? She thinks so. For the first time in a long time. He says then the school wasn't such a failure after all. They hug. She says thank you for being the second best father a girl could have. He thanks her for being the third best daughter. Gets in his SUV and starts it up. Drives away.

Morning. Hope is mailing the spear to Belgium. Wade handles the mail room.

Cleo's painting is framed and hung What will you call it? Passion. Kaleb wants to know about her vision. She says you change the world, Kaleb. I'll say no more than that. She'll catch up to him. Has something to do first. She sits in Ric's office chair. One day headmaster? Caroline enters the office. Interim Headmistress. Sounds stuffy. Why don't we just go with Caroline?

Hope has the ashes at the lake again. Wish you were here. Landon brought her a milkshake. He asks if she's happy. He says that's a tricky one. But I know where I belong when I'm in Limbo. All I wanted is a home. She says don't be a stranger, okay? He says that's one thing we'll never be. Caresses her face. She loves him. He says You'll always know where to find me. She asks him to stay a minute. Disperses Klaus' ashes over the water.

The only real difference is who's telling the story. My name is Hope Mikaelson. I come from a long line of villains. She's dressed like a student again. And wearing her necklace. It's opening day for new students. Caroline asks Hope to do the honors. All the students smile at her. She opens the doors. Goes out to the newbies. Welcome home.

Legacies EPs Talk Crafting 'Satisfying, Nostalgic' Series Finale

While fans were blindsided by Legacies‘ cancellation last month, series creator Julie Plec has been preparing for the end ever since receiving a fateful phone call from The CW in January. The network’s typical plan of renewing anything and everything under the sun was suddenly compromised by its own uncertain future; its looming sale, coupled with the end of its lucrative Netflix deal, has significantly changed the rules of the game.

“The network called to basically say, ‘We don’t know if we’ll have jobs, or if we’ll have shows, or how much power we’ll even have to bring back the shows that we want,'” Plec recalls. “It was all up in the air, so they said to please plan accordingly, because there was a chance we wouldn’t know [whether we were renewed or canceled] until June. Because we were given that information, we were able to write a really nice completion to the arc of the season and make it feel like the end of the series without having to fret too much over it.”

“Creatively, I’m thankful that we were able to bring this season to a close — not knowing if it would be the final close — in a way that’s satisfying and nostalgic and something we can all be proud of,” Plec adds. “But this should still be on the air, in my opinion.” 

Legacies Series Finale: Get the Story Behind Those Long-Awaited Cameos — 'I Didn't Think They Could Pull It Off'

Legacies EPs Break Down Series Finale's Emotional Conclusions, Reveal What Would Have Happened Next

Julie Plec on Legacies series finale, those Vampire Diaries and Originals character returns


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